My thoughts have been evolving, as thoughts tend to do, concerning tactics to combat the perversions that are consuming the culture of the United States. As any tactician knows an early priority is establishing a count of friend and foe, the relative number and functional strengths of those who will or might be combatants. Somewhere in the last forty eight hours an understanding of something I've been looking at all my life dawned on me, one of those things so commonplace as to be totally overlooked and yet totally critical.
Consider what you've seen, what you've heard, of the competition between the hetero fertile willing and able to establish stable families (lets tag them the conventional) and the various and sundry of the so called alternatives who are not, they who for whatever reason choose and champion lifestyles unburdened by the effort of replacing their own lives. Above and beyond all other considerations there is one factor that divides these two groups, and it is the criticality of that difference that has finally, finally dawned on me (I really am dumb as a fencepost sometimes).
Mature Content Beneath the Fold...
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What is this epiphany, this revelation? Observation gives that some but not others seem to be comfortable engaging their personal intellect concerning the various facets of their own sexuality, and what has dawned on me are the reasons for and ramifications of that divide on things that run far beyond the sexual. In the course of my wanderings I've lost track of how many explanations, rationalizations, I've listened to from the alternate folk seeking to explain and justify their way of life. I haven't heard half a dozen comparable dialogs from the conventional folk. And that gentle reader is a serious imbalance in the overall scheme of things, it deserves an investigation.
I suppose it isn't so hard to see why the alternate folk would be more comfortable in such realms than the conventional, after all by standards established well before Moses ever laid a brick they've been the summarily condemned unsung villains of the world, prosecuted if not fully persecuted. Only the first amendment freedoms guaranteed them by the United States Constitution have allowed them to present their case to the world with a relative degree of safety. They've had a long time to think about what they wanted to say if they ever got the chance. The founding fathers and the blood of patriots gave them their chance, and they're not about to waste it.
The conventional folk on the other hand have never had much if any motive to seriously think about such things, not really. For them the subject has always been pretty much a no-brainer where instinct has provided all that was needed, and what instinct didn't give tradition and religion was more than happy to provide (perhaps for just a bit of a price, but more on that later). Man shares sex with Woman, children are born of woman to the love of her man. Done deal. They've never really needed to think about the subject for themselves before. And good lord does it show. The question though is, as always, why? It's their lives after all. If this were any subject but the one it is I'd probably just chuckle and go on. But this isn't just any subject, I'm coming to think this will turn out to be the subject when history writes the story concerning the survival (or not) of my land and culture.
You might well be saying about now "Yea, right, sure thing..." wondering why I think it's so damned important what other folks are doing in the middle of the night. Easy answer. It isn't what other folks are doing in the middle of the night, I wish them all nothing but gentle delight and sweet dreams to follow, that's not what worries me. What worries me isn't the lovers, it's the compounding political consequences of the social elements who, in one way or another, on behalf of one side or the other, are dependent on the lover's for their power base.
The comparison isn't exact, nothing in social systems is exact, but it's close. There are conventional folk, and there are alternative folk. There are (politically) conservative folk, and there are (politically) liberal folk. For the most part it seems these two sets run as matched pairs: those who live a conventional sexuality will tend towards the conservatives while those who practice the alternatives are more prone to fill the ranks of the liberal. Not always, just mostly, one of those sliding scale kind of things.
Not a hard comparison to see, rather common sense after all: the conventional are those motivated by raising their families and needing stability while that job is underway, more prone to seek comfort and sanctuary in a lover while the alternative folk are motivated by the need for distractions and entertainments to fill the empty time not spent raising a family, they look to their lover(s) for some new novelty, some new thrill not already gone trite to fill an otherwise meaningless existence. Yes, that is some seriously slanted editorializing, but a defensible position as measured against nature and a thought I'm going to leave parked where is as is for the time being because I'm going to be dealing on the conventional conservative side of the equation for a bit.
You remember a bit ago I said that tradition (aka the social) and religion have always had the role of supporting the inner motivation of the conventional folk in the matters where instinct didn't provide quite all the support needed? That those social functions perhaps charged a bit of a price for that support? You know, just enough to cover their cost of operation, bottom line a non-profit kind of thing?
Yes? No? Anyway, that's where I'm going next because what kicked me in the ass (years after I should have understood what is really going on) was realizing the implications involved with the kind of coin the conventional folk must use to pay that not so minor price for being emotionally shielded from the intellectual facts of life. Let me give you a clue, it isn't anything printed up by the treasury department. The coinage of that payment is to be voluntarily unwitting and mindless where major portions of they themselves are concerned.
In exchange for this limitation on understanding their own life what they receive is social validation for living the sort of life nature intended, a justification they never really needed in the first place. Of course they can't intellectually defend that way of life, the ability to mount that defense would violate the unspoken agreement to never achieve enough self awareness to challenge the collectives that provide them the inner authority to be comfortably conventional.
For all intents and purposes such agreements are the framework of a cage, a cruel form of emotional extortion worked against those of conventional sexuality. What changes the situation from sad to dangerous (for society) is that the full agreement doesn’t deal with just the realms of the lifestyle the collective validates, sexual matters of fertility and family, it's a a deep inhibition against any real form of self knowledge that might allow an individual to contradict or challenge any of the collectives' agendas. That... is a form of slavery, a very subtle and effective form of bondage that has been going on for a long, long time.
As I said earlier, what the lovers are doing in the middle of the night doesn't concern me at all compared to the geo-political coercion being leveraged against huge segments of the population using sexual validation for the fulcrum. It is a totally dangerous thing to have a very limited number of collective entities wield such power within a society structured for self rule. How can a democracy operate properly when huge portions of the core culture of that democracy is denied the self knowledge needed to truly vote their conscience rather than say the (sic) Fox News perspective?
The answer is it can't.
Of course there's an entire infrastructure of collective entities contributing to this situation, some impacting the conventional, others the alternative, and I'll be exploring and mapping those relationships in posts to come.
faith is a terrible habit
ReplyDeleteallowing a mindless continuum
flocks of e pluribus gulls
running our unum to ruin
first, we must get their attention, 'nos. through universal fascination or trauma, i theorize that new memes may be implanted in the larger social psyche. one huge endorphin rush of an epiphany would be my choice.
; ) pip
I'd love to see it happen, but I'm not gonna hold my breath... waaaay to much social momentum to break it over in a hurry without breaking a lot of other things as well.
DeleteHmmm...The "normal way" is a great mystery if one really looks at it, and asks Why. Why did God or Nature or evolution make us sexual beings? What is Masculine and Feminine? The Book of Proverbs says that "the way of a man with a maid" is "too wonderful" to know. (30:19) But this seems to be the way closest to The Great Design, the most joyous and life-affirming way to do sex. And there is infinite variation and possibility in it. (Why and how it came to be something never seen is a tragedy--but another post.)
ReplyDeleteBy contrast, the various fetishes divide more than they unite, subjugate more than set free, bring pain more than joy and health, even as they promise infinite pleasure. And the various arguments I've heard for them mostly seem to reduce to: "It feels good to me, so it's gotta be right/normal/natural!" I suspect, if good research is ever done that takes life histories into the equations, it would show that most BDSMers, and maybe even most homosexuals and transsexuals, became so because of early trauma or neglect. This is not to blame them or even their ancestors; it's just the way the human race has gone for a long time now.
Is it too late to "turn, and be healed"? I don't know, but I believe in a God Who never leaves His children--and that's all humans--alone without that still, small voice of longing for joy and rightness and fairness and peace and healing within our deepest cores. May S/He bless and help our quest.