Saturday, February 14, 2015

Feathers of the goose pursued...

The subject is happiness and the achievement of the same, the trail long and long cold, it is as much of a goose chase as I’ve ever undertaken.  As an evolving contrasocial philosopher for most of my life I’ve chased questions of the why variety, enjoyed a beggar’s ration of success in the hunt, but the subject at hand is not a “why” kind of question.  It is more of a “what” or a “how” sort of thing.  Perhaps the question is more suited to the analogy of a prospector than a hunter, but that’s of little consequence.  It’s still a work of analytic introspection validated and verified by observations of internal and external reality.

Allow me to begin with the following statement to set an initial reference point, define a polarity: all positive states of being (happiness, joy, ecstasy, etc. et al) are states devoid of contradiction between the inner reality created by the self aware life and the outer reality shared with all other things which are not self.  

A rather chewy little tidbit of a thought.  Since every human being cohabitates two realities just exactly what constitutes a contradiction between the two? 

Allowing for imagination, dreams, fantasies, the entire creative process which has elevated human life above the animal it’s obvious the inner and outer realities are rarely to never an exacting match one to the other, from this it becomes equally obvious a contradiction is not a simple matter of some mismatch of fact between the realities.  In the inner reality of my imagination mighty starships fold space to cross the interstellar void in a fraction of a lifetime colonizing new worlds, no such vessels (of human construction) exist in the outer reality.  A mismatch of fact on the grand scale, and yet not a contradiction.

No, the sort of contradiction in question is not simply a matter of facts.  When considering the polarity of life matters of fact rarely have the majority say.  Of all things divided by the frontier between the inner and outer realities facts are actually one of the lesser considerations.  A lesser consideration, and yet the reference upon which are mounted the things that are of critical importance to the polarity of any given moment, or series of moments, some span of time given a discreet identity and considered as a unit.

…to be continued…

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Sometimes, at odd and inexplicable times, I really and truly do not give a shit.  Sometimes I wonder why.  Sometimes I don't even give a damn about that.