Thursday, October 12, 2023

Third Reality of Man Ch. 10: Free and Clear to Navigate


The question opened two chapters ago still hangs open: how many, if any, of the psychological foibles and failings inherent to the individual human persona might be or have been inherited into the functional awareness of the newly awakened Collective Entities?  Is it possible for a collective life form to suffer  what in an individual would be called a mental illness?

After some serious skull spelunking on the subject my answer is yes. 

If I am going to say an element of society can awaken as a Collective Entity within the pixel forest of mankind's digital footprint, a unique and living thing in its' own right, then it would be the ultimate case of wishful thinking to assume, or presume, such entities would of necessity be creatures of God-like perfection. Particularly when I know that both the component cognitive nodes (the individual humans who provide a "time share" brain) and the (social) architecture of said nodes that give shape and structure to a collective entity are ultimately the work of fallible mortal humans. By the definitions involved cause and effect reasoning demands the answer be "yes, such inheritances are, because they must be, a very possible thing."

A very possible thing.  Sometimes? Sometimes I do not like working downstream from me. Possible?  Chickens are possible.  Eggs are possible, even pre-chicken.  A lot of things are possible, including circular reasoning accelerating into an ever tightening death spiral of sobriety going down life's drain.  And yet, the question had to be asked, and once asked if you try and dodge your own answer it's time to give up on philosophy and take up competition drinking.  Whiskey, of course.