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Ok, anyone subscribing to the modern schools of politically correct child rearing might want to make sure the legally prescribed dose of mood stabilizing anti-depressants is active in your bloodstream before you read any further, because I’m fixing to bash and trash a fair amount of what you were taught to believe making a case linking the current explosion of individuals living degenerate lifestyles to the interference of well meaning but utterly inept adults meddling in one of life’s most absolutely critical functions, the function of children’s play.
Yes, that’s exactly what I just said. Why? Because another thing I’ve noticed as a common denominator of the degenerate is no matter the level of perversion entrained within their lifestyles or practiced as part of their recreations they seem to believe there’s no moral or ethical consequences so long as the activities are all carried in the bucket definition “play.” At first I took their proclivity for calling perversion a form of play as blatant sarcasm, a deliberate insulting mockery of what is decent, but the longer I’ve observed them the more I’m coming to believe they may well be quite unintentionally speaking an absolute truth concerning their fate. I began to question just how long has these people's play been perverted, and by what?
In nature’s scheme of things play is anything but an irresponsible diversion of childhood, in all of nature the play of the young is how the skills of the adult are developed. The human creature is no exception, children play for the same reasons as the lion cub. The play of the lion cub is easily seen for what it is: stalk and pounce, roll and grapple, the lion cub is learning to hunt. The play of the human child is driven by the same motives but is far more difficult to decipher. The human child is preparing for an adulthood exponentially more complex than that of the lion. The child will be entering a world of predator and prey where both are of the same kind as the child, instinct will not identify friend from foe from food.
There was a time when play was the exclusive domain of the child. Summer afternoon, a neighborhood full of other kids and it was out the door, don't get in trouble and be home in time for supper. The bigger kids kept half an eye on the younger, if someone got hurt the fastest runner went to fetch the parents. If you’d been watching what would you have seen? Just about anything, and everything. Games of hide and seek that ranged a three block radius, a dozen variations of cops and robbers/cowboys and Indians, a lot of baseball, a lot skateboards and bikes. The one thing you could say for sure was the kids did it on their own, the grown-ups were no part of any of it. But that was when children were allowed to play, when they were allowed to grow and mature according to the pace mother nature and their own nature would support.
But, you knew there was going to be a but, that was before the well meaning idiots of modern educational psychology set in motion the current self sustaining cycles of fear driven amorality. They didn’t do it on purpose, they didn’t mean to, but bottom line is they are ultimately responsible for a big part of the current state of affairs and they’re going to have to reverse their stance and help clean up the mess they made.
I can hear the sputtering indignation all the way from there to here. “But, but, we had to do something, the big kids were... they were... and the... and the... and that reminded us of the time we were the chosen last and it hurt our feelings and it’s going to hurt their feelings and cause them problems and...” And no doubt totally true, all of it. True, and changes absolutely nothing because no matter how noble your motives when you try and impose an external control on what must by its’ most basic nature be internally self regulating you’re going to create more problems than you’ll solve. When play stopped being the exclusive domain of the children, when the grown ups began interfering and directing it was the grown ups not the children who created the positive feedback loops of fear and insecurity that have become the silent plague of modern America.
Consider if you will how much each child must master to achieve maturity, how many facets of maturity must be cascade loaded in proper sequence, one supporting the next, to achieve the ultimate goal of a self sufficient and stable adult. Consider how many different loadings each of those stages places on the child’s psyche, and how the minute differences in how each child progresses changes the sequencing of what must follow. Consider just how arrogant the grown ups were to think they could improve on the child's instincts in such a deeply personal thing as the work of growing up.
The work of growing up you say? I thought we were talking about play. We are talking about play, the functionality of play, for the fact is the child’s play is more than recreation.
Play is how the child integrates and validates what has been learned, a far more critical function to the formation of a functional adult for it is the personal experience of these validation processes that provide the foundations upon which the next stages of maturation are based.
I will assert to you when the functional rather than recreational elements of play were compromised trying to smooth and buffer the emotional dynamics of childhood interactions the deepest damage was done to both the child and through the children, whose inner maturity was compromised, to the society that child came to inhabit as an adult.
While the recreations of play can be choreographed from the outside the functions of integration and validation cannot be externally directed, those functions are totally specific to the moment and the individual. To interfere in any manner is to put at high risk the load bearing structures of the child's most inner self, it is to compromise that individuals' ability to maintain any form of self motivated ethic robust enough to withstand the temptation to embrace some self serving corruption (defined as what is life destroying rather than life supporting), be the focus of the temptation the juvenile glee found in the morally degraded perversions of bdsm or the ethically barren vanity found in those who make a God of a corporation's market share and profit margin at the price of a cruelty inflicted on a thousand times the number involved in some arrangement of torture as sport.
What is becoming ever more obvious is that the consequences of those functions compromised, compounding as they are brought forward across several generations, is what will set the nature of the culture carried into the future. What is perhaps not so obvious is the fact that when the integration and validation of children's learning is no longer a matter of the children's play, when it becomes the work of some external force it has also become open to being manipulated with malice against the very culture wherein the children are living. In the arsenals of cultural warfare to command the nature of the play known by your enemies children is a powerful thing, a very powerful thing.
To control the children's play is to command the future, and more than just the future of those children. Why? Because in a few years those children will be grown and raising children of their own. How will they raise their children? The way they were raised of course, it's all they know. The weapon you launched yesterday against their culture becomes self sustaining within that culture. When you've crippled the very functions that provide a culture with the concept of ethics as a matter of rational reality rather than subjective opinion you've denied that culture the moral continuity required to exist.
You can't really kill a culture from the outside, but you can cause it to commit suicide by corrupting the foundations from the inside. When the history of what the corruption causes has fully overwritten what came before, when the motives of those who embrace a culture have been shifted into direct opposition of the motives of those from earlier generations then the original culture has died.
How do you take down a society, destroy a culture? You can attempt genocide on a people and yet not destroy their culture, history is full of sad examples where this tactic failed. In some cases a culture survived to revive itself on nothing more than its' art and writings. Cultures are hard to kill. But it can be done, and folks? There's a serious effort underway right now to kill a culture, the culture of United States of America, and it's no accident of social evolution, no side consequence of the changes in technology or commerce. It is an attack of malice, and it has been going on for several generations now. The essence of a culture is how that culture architects the relationships between those whose lives are contained within, a matter of the morality that guides the interactions within that culture and the internal ethic of the populous that subscribes and supports that morality as providing the proper emotional environment for human beings to thrive.
Perhaps the most lethal weapon launched in that campaign was the contamination of the children's play to the intent of depriving them of the inner strength required to be an ethical people, a moral people. It was launched during the cold war years, it hit its' target, and only now, years after the original conflict that produced the weapon have passed into history, are the effects of that weapon coming into their full potential.
i read a lot of this twice, nos. you never specified 'who the enemy is', and 'their methods'.
ReplyDeleteor is that coming in chapter two? pip scratches head...
Pip, "the enemy" is at best a guess, if I knew for sure I'd be dead. Best guess? The Chinese inheriting what the Stalinist Russians initiated (remember how the Soviet Union was repressive enough to make even the most hypocritical of the Puritans smile ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for methods? Detailed as I've percieved them in the post "History ala Mode: The Chef's Tale" if you'd care to peruse my best effort at back engineering the enemies weapon.
The enemy? "Spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12) I call it The Corporate Mindset: the view that if something is right for someone it's right for all and you have the duty to sell it to all-at a price-- the wish to control everything and everyone, to reshape the world to your own imagination. I suspect, on the "people level," a consortium of corporate and financial interests...
DeleteDominionists/christianists are easily manipulated by the Bushite types into 'creating their preferred reality', ala Karl Rove. what ever became of the old 'Trilateral' group? supposedly papa Bush was a member in good standing. and young W was a member of 'bones-something' at Yale.
ReplyDeletewe, [all us non-members], are here simply for the use of the corporate elite. i don't think we have much to fear from mainland China. they need us to be successful enough to buy their products.
i wrote a while back about the Cheney mentality which i suspect prepares us to be on top after the world goes to hell from global warming. exceptional Americans, all...
The Chinese are an interesting case in the history of totalitarian/communistic regimes... they fight their nation as if their nation was a corporation, which allows them to tap both sides of the comptetition between nationState/megaCorp. What I'm speaking of in this post is a legacy thing anyway, it's been going on well before the they re-entered the world picture as an active player. Now, as to who (if any) the remnants of the Bushites owe favors/allegiance? Hmmm...