There is no lesser among evils |
I've learned something this past year. I've learned that sadists are easier to deal with than masochists. Why? Because it's a whole lot easier to hate a sadist, dehumanize them, dismiss them into the abyss with a look or a double tap of hunter hollow point. Masochists on the other hand have a bad habit of becoming sympathetic creatures leaching onto the more noble aspects of the species, they like to latch onto the instinct to protect and nurture, have a way of corrupting hope implanting undefined guilt in their victims so they can manipulate sympathy with the acute pathos of the pain they enjoy. I've come to the conclusion the majority of the harm bdsm causes the world at large is actually worked through the masochists, not the sadists. Strange as it might sound to hear this coming from me but all things considered the sadist is actually the lesser
It's an old phrase, the lesser of two evils, and choosing the lesser of two evils is not a good thing to do. At the point you choose one evil over the other you've just invited corruption into your life. Yes, you did. Of your own free will you just chose an evil, now didn't you. Instead of saying there is no viable choice here, they're both unacceptable, you just rationalized some shade of gray from a reality of jet black. Evil loves to manipulate people into believing they must choose only from the choices it provides. Point of fact evil spends a great deal of effort to maintain such lies, it really does, and well it should since those lies provide it a great deal of sustenance.
There's an awful lot of evil operating these days. There's always been evil, of course there has, but in varying amounts, varying potencies. However the sum total of active evil does vary across history, and in this time the level of evil is approaching a critical apogee where societies fail and fall into ruin as a consequence of the toxins created by the evils entrained within. When I say evil I'm not talking about things that are different or non-conformist, I'm not talking things called immoral where the immorality is a matter of a successful but different form of social or family structure of functional design, I'm talking deep attitudes concerning life and love that degrade life from a viable potential for happiness to miserably sterile self deception in direct proportion to the presence of that thought.
As I look about the ascending evil I find most appalling is the lifestyle known as bdsm, the heirs of Sodom and Gomorra who re-entered the modern world by way of the Marquis de Sade during the degenerate days of the French revolution, an evil that uses the symptoms of the psychiatric disease sadomasochism as barbarian coinage desperate people must use to buy admittance into that imbedded subculture where mental illness is accepted, accommodated to stasis in order that the afflicted lives so supported will return sustenance to evil inflicting their pain and confusion, their jade and despair on any and every other genuine human being of open heart who chances to come in contact. I call bdsm enemy.
One of the more consistent things I've noticed about my enemy is the common claim they're not so very different, that they're just like everyone else, just... misunderstood. Misunderstood may well be the truth of the matter, but it is not they who are misunderstood, in point of fact the situation is quite the opposite.
What was misunderstood by them is the difference between civil safety and rational acceptance. What they misunderstood was that their right to exist free of harassment does not validate as wholesome and acceptable whatever affliction or aberration of life-style might have brought the harassment down on them in the first place.
The responsibility for this misunderstanding is easily placed. It belongs to the mental health profession for failing to make clear this difference in its' writings and in its' therapy sessions, and for failing to firmly and very publicly reinforce this point when the minions of bdsm began to seek social comfort by publicly rationalizing their afflictions as something fashionable, desirable, a fine new form of recreation for the jaded using this misunderstanding as justification. Of course, add a quarter teaspoon of paranoid mistrust to the mix and it's equally easy to see why the mental health profession might not want to correct such a misunderstanding.
The inmates of bdsm are no doubt one of the mental health profession's most stable cash crops. The greater majority of them are members to have a social circle who will accept without condemnation the kinks and anomalies in their personalities, that being one of the larger hidden values of membership. Of course, once their lives are committed in such a direction the essence of whatever set them desperate enough to seek such company in the first place must never change. To heal, to outgrow whatever it might have been would eventually set them as outsiders, different, eventually unwelcome and so of course the community assists any member in good standing in not only enduring their afflictions but in maintaining them… that being the true bondage part of the bdsm lifestyle. In any case, regardless of their... recreations... they have to be mentally stable enough to stay out of jail, keep a job and feed themselves. Such mundane maintenance as that is what pays the bills for most shrinks.
What is not commonly understood by the rest of us, by anyone actually, is the exact nature of the damage caused by exposure to this evil, and lacking such understanding the vast majority of folks kinky or not assume that so long as the perversions are kept hidden away, practiced in private, never spoken of in public then there really is no cause for concern. The evil of bdsm is totally onboard with this idea, it demands its' minions practice a quite respectable degree of secrecy. And yet those lives do not exist in a vacuum, in a foreign land or on a separate planet, they are intermingled and interactive throughout the macroscopic society of man.
Every affliction has a definable pathology, there's an entire branch of medical science dedicated to such work. It is their efforts guide the remainder of medicine in their quest for cures. Sadly, most of their work is done on what's left of those who've already succumbed to some illness. Equally many diseases are communicable, transferred from one to another, and again there is a dedicated branch of medical science that studies the ways and means of contagion. But again, that branch of medicine does not consider the ills and afflictions treated by the mental health profession, until very recently the raw data to begin such work has simply not been available. But now that such data is becoming available perhaps they should, since any claim that mental illness cannot be contagious is easily dismissed. From the existing work of psychology it is well known that when extreme trauma is excluded the vast majority of the remaining discomforts and disabilities that are psychological in nature have for their beginnings some weighted interaction with another human being.
Anyone who has ever gone spelunking in their own mind for the source of some shadow on their life can tell you as often as not the originating event, the original source of some shadow turns out to be something that in retrospect is actually quite a minor thing amplified and expanded by later events. Such searches as that are of course the exclusive domain of the one searching, but what of the nature of the amplification? How often is the circuitry of amplification provided by another, often without the searcher being aware of the source?
These days with bdsm providing an ever enlarging pool of those who present aberration as something fashionable who can say how much extra misery and wasted potential is being burdened on society by their influence? Who can list the rationalizations running down to outright lies being told to the confused of all ages by those whose abnormalities stand as justification for a perverted lifestyle? Just how far do the tentacles of bdsm really spread? What is the true cost, the true risk, of allowing such a contagion vector to exist and expand unchallenged? I don't believe anyone can answer those questions, but I do think society had damn well better begin trying before bdsm creates a true plague of dysfunction.
Maybe you think plague is a bit to strong a word, to scary a word, but plague is the proper word for the potentials. The mental health profession has worked long and hard to show the damage done by mental illnesses, but only in macabre fiction has anyone ever attempted to show what life would be like should the illnesses become the average, forms of fiction not surprisingly highly favored by those in "the lifestyle." Still and all, do the math and if the current growth trends of bdsm continue in a few more years you might find yourself in jail for drug evasion and dereliction of therapy living in a society to make the absolute darkest visions of Poe and Dante, Orwell and Huxley seem totally tame and timid by comparison. More to the point, you could find yourself living in a land where the count of those stable and sane enough to make any meaningful attempt at a self sufficient society has fallen to a minority to small to maintain civilization, much less anything to resemble a world class culture.
It isn't the utterly obscene brutalities of bdsm... piercing and floggings, torture bondage and the like... where bdsm poses the greatest threat, not at all. Those things are barbarian beyond any concealment of their true nature. No sane person will ever be deceived by the transparent lies and rationalizations offered as justification for behavior like that. While gross and pathetic at the level of an individual sphere of empathy their only real threat to society is found in just how gross and pathetic they really are, sensational enough to keep everyone focused on the naked body writhing beneath the lash and no one seeing the other and more serious aspects of evil bdsm spreads unseen and unrecognized beneath societies' horrified fascination with the pleading cries and screams of ecstasy heard from some masochist reveling in their chosen form of pain.
The true threat of bdsm is in the culture of secrecy and mandatory secret defectiveness it defines and perpetuates, two traits ideally suited to a state of political tyranny. The true threat of bdsm is how it installs self degradation as an acceptable coping mechanism to answer the stresses of life, a trait most highly prized by con artists and manipulators of all persuasions. The true threat of bdsm is in how it barters to jade the addictive narcosis of purely animalistic sensation overdriven in exchange for citizenship in a society of the damned, literally, developmentally damned to the misery of perpetual immaturity and confusion, a state of affairs guaranteed to do deep damage to any life and the society wherein that life resides as the years inevitably make ever more devastating the degree of retardation.
The bottom line on the explosion of bdsm into the culture is that it is primarily the result of Psychology failing to consider the Sociological consequences of its' emergence onto the stage of life as a power player rivaling the religions with which it competes for clientele. In the short sighted vanity of its' youth psychology dismissed the conventions of history as primitive and unneeded without ever considering the sociological forces that caused those conventions to evolve and endure in the first place. God does not destroy wantonly, Gaia does not cull without cause, there were solid reasons Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed rather than allow the pathogen of their perversions to spread any further into history. It's time for psychology to admit their share of responsibility for the modern day iterations of the same mode of thought and help correct their error.
Exposing that error will be the first counter-attack in my war on bdsm, and that while I'm acquiring the skills needed to launch a more effective campaign based on statistical analysis of the data generated by the evolving national health care systems considered in conjunction with census data and data harvested by infiltrating and systematically examining social networking websites such as FetLife that serve the pervert community as primary communication channels. It is my intention not to assert but statistically demonstrate the communicable nature of mental illnesses using bdsm as a first, and most easily recognized as amplifying, contagion vector.
With such proof in hand it then becomes possible to engage in the political arena to the intent of empowering an expanded CDC to monitor and publicize the regional density of bdsm so that communities might defend themselves and their youth with local legislation. In society as in nature there must be a balance to all things, and predation on a toxic predator is as necessary as any other part of such balances. The long history of bdsm proves it is as toxic to life and health as tetra-ethyl lead in the air or just plain lead in the drinking water, the innocent deserve ways and means of protecting themselves from such toxin inflicted unwilling... it is my intent to provide them social and psychological weapons, and train them in their use.
In essence I'm going to take away any legitimacy provided by their support group of profit motivated shrinks, and I'm going to seriously damage the secrecy upon which their subculture is founded. These two campaigns are things the enemy is already afraid of, I can speak of them at the outset. However these are but two of my major attack plans, and I promise you, they haven't in their darkest nightmares considered where else they are vulnerable.
But I have. You might ask why have you? Bothered to spend so much time thinking and analyzing on something you obviously find so disgusting that is? If I were in your shoes I'd be asking that question, asking it rather pointedly as a matter of fact. The answer to your totally appropriate question is I've had a belly full.
BDSM first attacked my life in 1963 when we had the bad luck to move into a rent house right next door to another rent house that was nothing more than a dedicated dungeon for the bdsm freaks of Los Angeles. The neighborhood sat on a very steep hill, terraced, the houses close set. From the fence in my own back yard I had entirely to good a look at what was going on below, and the concrete retaining wall did nothing but echo the sounds up with perfect fidelity. I tried to tell the grown ups, and was severely punished for a "dirty imagination" as if any innocent child could begin to imagine such things. I was seven years old.
I've had to live with that shit in my head ever since. It scorched my life, likely was the destruction of my younger sister's entire life. It took forty years of soul searching and lucid dreaming through the nightmares to surface the source of those screams, the fragmentary images a shocked and traumatized child's memory was able to retain. It was forty years of self doubt and self condemnation for what landed in my memory totally by accident, and totally against my will. Forty years diminished and stained before I understood what had happened to me. If it has happened to me then it has happened to others, it is happening to others.
Ever since then, give or take every five years for all of my life, someone from that realm has tried to seduce me into misery with that evil, with each attempt validating the nature of the evil by exposing more of how that evil operates, the places in the human psyche and soul that it leaches onto, the functions and structures of society it exploits. I've seen bdsm in the raw, what all the lies and all the public posturings are intended to conceal, and it is my immutable and irrevocable conclusion and judgment that bdsm is an ultimately evil thing that needs to be hunted to extinction, purged, destroyed, and forgotten.
They have tried once to often for me to forgive yet again. I didn't study Rommel to appreciate Patton for nothing, it is time to fight back. Now that I've satisfied every responsibility of this life I have the freedom to do just that, and that I will do. I am going to set in motion things that in the end will destroy bdsm just as surely as the first atom bomb destroyed Hiroshima.
I will be returning to the university in the spring with a very specific purpose in mind. Well, maybe two purposes *grin*, but I'll keep you posted on how the second one develops as events unwind. In the meantime? I hear a pool table and a brewski calling my name.