Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Dogs of War...bow wow m*f*

"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition…" The quote originated on this date seventy two years ago, a Sunday, a navy chaplain who continued his sermon while chain passing ammo to the anti-aircraft guns trying to defend a doomed fleet. Sunday December 7, 1941… the surprise attack on a sleeping Pearl Harbor, the day to be remembered in infamy, the first day of the United States' involvement in what many will say was the last undisputedly righteous war.

Things have changed a lot since then, and nothing has changed more than the nature of war. Oh, there's still soldiers and sailors, ships and tanks and guns, armies and navies and of course combat aircraft, but the reality has become that those weapons are not the only weapons nor even the most effective weapons. As history has unfolded its' become ever more obvious they're primarily involved with minimizing the residual consequences of how the serious conflicts are being waged. Even without the nuclear arsenals the terrible destructive power of modern weaponry just doesn't make it very feasible for the major powers to engage in old school warfare anymore. Bad for business, very bad for business. But nothing is more foolish than to assume that since the major nations aren't shooting at each other, at least not directly, that they have renounced conflict one with the other. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The most serious campaigns are now being fought on terrain impossible to access before the advent of modern technology. In the days when the Big E and her sisters Hornet and Yorktown stood out of Pearl Harbor to engage their enemy outnumbered four to one it simply was not possible to wage the kind of wars known to the modern world. No, I'm not talking about satellite controlled drones and supersonic stealth aircraft, I'm talking about the ability to access the attention of major chunks of your enemies population, to manipulate and maneuver the developmental parameters of their youth, the ability to wage covert cultural warfare from behind the smiling façade of international trade. The media power to wage such conflict just did not exist.

It's totally ironic, really. The United States military stands ready to unleash biblical grade hellfire and brimstone on fifteen seconds notice in physical defense of the nation, and that's just while they're getting the heavy stuff warmed up, and yet no one had the good sense to challenge the Nintendo invasion. Oh well, we hit back with John Wayne and the cowboy mythos backed up by the Door's LA Woman brand of sucker fuck 'em into abandoning that oh so fragile cowboy ethic in favor of raw animal lust, and guess what? A scant twenty years later they've given up having babies, I think we're going to win that one. That's the Japanese. But the Chinese are a different story… Chairman Mao did a good job of getting them ready to fight, and they I'm afraid are kicking our ass, the caste and class systems of servitude they've operated out of for millennia making a serious try at destroying the once vaunted American freedom of thought, every perversion known to history implanted on the culture and on the upswing as the count of viable fertile families is falling like a rock... yea, I'm afraid we're in as bad a shape vis-à-vis the Chinese now as we were back in that dark day when a battered and beat up Big E was the only thing that stood between the Japs and victory. We live in interesting times. 


  1. Let's not forget that the main war being fought now is economic. The Chinese are winning that one for sure! But in the process, they've embraced the worst habits of our "capitalism:" the environmental degradation in the name of "production" (Shanghai is in the middle of the biggest urban development program in *history*) and the rapid accumulation of wealth on--well, it's not even paper now; it's 1's and 0's in a mainframe somewhere. If either Wall Street, the European economy or the Chinese economic machine blows up, the whole world's economy will crash, and it'll be science-fiction "post-crash" in real life.

    1. Yup... closed system it now is, and unstable oscillating, no real vent beyond third world warfare (the most brutal kind). ceMars is getting nervous, he really thought he'd always be the prime power player between the nations...

    2. ceMars: Stand thou, Capitalism, and fight like a man!
      ceCapitalism: (snickering) War is so 20th-century. My Madison Avenue acolytes have your nuclear weapons right where I want them.
      ceMars: (horrified) But thou'lt destroy the world!
      ceCapitalism: (calmly) No matter, so long as my stocks keep going up.
