Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bar Card wanderings...

Several times in my life I've given thought to just getting in the *whatever I'm driving* and taking off... leaving town and not looking back.  Of course, anyone who's ever spent any time on the road knows about how long the romance in that lasts, and it isn't very long.  But still, sometimes the fantasy of a carefree life of travel presents itself, and sometimes I indulge it even knowing full well that "carefree" and "travel" really don't do well locked in the same suitcase for any great length of time.  Common sense usually edges into the picture after a bit, but when common sense is feeling benign and gentle it usually takes the form of "hey, you could go around and sell something really neat to the folks you meet..." and the fantasy migrates away from just running away into running for, and eventually to some justification for staying on the move.  Tonight's version?  Business cards, produced on a totally uber cool designed and built by yours truly mobile production facility (that just happens to fit beautifully under the back lid of me old '74 VW bus ;-) featuring quickie impressionistic portraits of the folks I'd meet, so they'd have a really cool card to hand out to the oh-so-hot stranger they might meet in a bar, or better still the grocery store, and maybe the major hot other would turn out to be a true lady or gentleman and they'd fall in love and have themselves a family and grandkids and all that stuff and then when Katie finally says goodbye and goes home some child would be looking at the book of memories and see the card and go "wow... whoawaywow... that was Grandma?"  Yea, sometimes I entertain the fantasy, but only when I really need to.

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