Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Domestic warfare...

I... am a kipple bigot.  I hate kipple, loathe it, despise it.  There is very little I like less than finding the remnants of day before yesterday, or five weeks ago yesterday, dug in and occupying some odd crevice or corner.   It galls me, how it builds ramparts from straw wrappers and a hot sauce packet, half a banana peel and a crust of bread.  It infuriates me how it mans those battlements and mocks the broom, waiting until everyone is asleep to ride out and colonize another corner.  I hate kipple.

Of course it's all part of a plot you see, there's no way it's happening without help.  Me?  I blame the dustbunnies.  They are obviously descended from the Nazi's, just look at their swastika shaped ears.  It is an alliance made in housekeeper's hell it is.  Where kipple likes to dig in the dustbunnies are mobile, mounted, the cavalry of chaos.  Once they formed their alliance everything just became that much harder: the kipple travels with a dustbunny escort, and the dustbunnies take shelter in the kipple's fortresses.  Not a good situation, not at all.

But there is hope on the horizon, soon the poor broom will have something the kipple and the dustbunnies won't be able to defend against.  For all their tenacious aggression they still can't turn the air black with flack, and their doom will arrive from above.  Yes, airpower is on the way.  Death will fall upon them from the skies and there will be nothing they will be able to do about it.  The broom is getting some serious reinforcements... (heavy drum roll followed by the battle theme from "Patton" on a screaming lead guitar ala Hendrix)... the air hose and shop vac are coming in the house tomorrow.  Deal and done, take that suckers!

Can you tell I've gone back to keeping house at my house after a prolonged absence leaving the defense of domestic hygiene in the hands of those who think kipple is first cousin to civil engineering and dustbunnies make cute pets?  Oh yea... it's gonna happen.

*nos walks off whistling... dum de dum dum dum diddly yum dum, dum dee-aa a dum... grin*

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