Monday, August 7, 2023

Purely non-partisan Political... or...


...concerning Propaganda and the current state of affairs.

I saw something today I never thought I'd see… someone defending the word "propaganda."   To be honest, she was right, the word is quite slandered compared to its' original meanings.  Anyhow, on what she said I posted up a little comment saying I'll be kind to propaganda (as a word) hoping if I  make a peace offering by going  first maybe the world might not be so quick to automatically translate "conspiracy believer" into "conspiracy theorist" and then snigger.  Yea, I know. But it doesn't hurt to hope.  Then, a bit later in the day, I saw another posting (from CBS of all people, link below) that just kicked both subjects, propaganda and theory work, firmly in the tail: I had to speak a bit candidly on that subject.  Since what I said pretty well covers my opinions on a LOT of things I'll repost it here just for the record.

Fresh come from the article defending propaganda my thoughts on the article above went like this:

Seems like the subject of “propaganda” went by a little earlier in the day. One of the better, perhaps not the best but better, ways of dispensing and installing a belief structure to benefit the minority at the expense of the majority (contemporary weaponized propaganda) is to misdirect the target’s focus onto some other and advantageous point of focus (from the villian's perspective) and away from the real threat/attack… and this so that it is possible to easily shift the blame (for the people’s lack of stewardship and due diligence) that allowed attack_1 to succeed over onto what, if the campaign is successful, will allow attacks_2 through attack_n to succeed as well!

Read the above, again, please, and then look at our current situation where we have corruption flying wing for senility matched against neurotic treachery consuming the fears of the displaced like a death eater living in a mortuary! CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A MORE PERFECT SCENARIO to keep America focused on the wrong thing and looking in the wrong direction while the attacks scheduled for the near future totally destroy freedom where freedom begins, which is ultimately between the ears of the electorate!

There is an easier way to say “Propaganda supported by modern technology utilizing modern psychological methodologies was more than the electorate could turn back, they were assimilated into the Borg with little trouble.” You simply say “the farcebookers got ’em,” get your affairs OFFLINE, and then make sure you’re not where you were and look to your survival supplies… and yes, a gun is on that list, but if you’re serious it’s like in the number 10 to 15 range. Them who think a gun should be number one won’t last all that long.

Needless to say, I’m solidly part of that last 20% the article mentions, the ones ya’ll are supposed to be keeping an eye on. Doin’ my best to make it easy for you.


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