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Flower of an Unknown Land |
--originally published 4/4/2015--
I’ve heard it said that if you’re really interested, willing to wait
and watch and keep your mind open that reality will eventually present an
answer to most riddles. The thought of
the day has endured for almost a decade now, a delightful tidbit of curiosity
that simply refused to fade with the years.
It would seem the old riddle has been renewed with a purpose beyond
simple curiosity, and it would equally seem reality has indeed brought me a
piece of the answer to that riddle in the last couple of weeks. Let me build a bit of a framework so this
will make some sense.
Most everyone who knows me
knows I carry a love for Ms. Alex, the beautiful woman who hosted the muse for
me. She was, and even yet still is, a
powerful influence on my life. For all the years since her gift it has been a
curiosity to me: how is it that she came to be as she was when I met her?
With the subject of the
year set as happiness I find myself ever more often returning to the example
Ms. Alex set for me. I saw her work magic
in the lives of strangers (I’ll go ahead and call it magic, for a convenient
handle) that has come to be a reference standard on the subject. I’ve understood a bit of how her magic took effect
on those she took into her focus, but there are other facets of the phenomenon still
in search of an explanation. An
understanding of such a thing would be a most useful understanding reaching far
beyond the context of simply man and muse.
You see, hers’ was a magic powered by a happiness most unique to her,
I’d never seen anything similar before, and it appeared to be in a full and
mature form... the question, the riddle,
being of course what components of reality went into creating a contagious form
of happiness?
The event that brought this
riddle back front and center is a young woman, call her Kay, who is on the
periphery of my sphere of empathy, one of the kids crewing the diner. Let me describe Kay to you: twenty is a few
months into her future, but most put her (to a casual acquaintance) as several
years older, an intelligence she tries
to hide, just a shade tall to be called petite, athletic beneath just enough padding
to run the light side of voluptuous, quick wit, quick bright smile… in short, a
genuine 21st century fox.
In the last couple of months
I’ve had the privilege of watching her truly blossom, one of those exponential
jumps that happen when all the parts and pieces are in place and the last
inhibiting factor fades from power. A
delightful thing to watch, a beautiful woman child transitioning into her full
womanhood, but in her case there’s been a bit more, for as the transition has
moved forward I’ve seen flickerings of that same magic I watched Alex wield
with such skill. Much younger, still a
bit tentative, but unmistakably the same force in play. Unlike Ms. Alex who I met fully mature in her
abilities with Kay I got to observe the changes in her environment accompanying,
perhaps facilitating, the growth and the understanding of how those changes
impacted my young friend has been a bit of a Rosetta stone for both now and
You see, from all that I’ve
seen the initiating event of her growth spurt was actually another woman, not
quite so young, and decidedly of the girl-girl persuasion who fell harder for
Ms. Kay than any three boys or five of us old men. End and upshot of her unbridled ambition was a
romance, a bit of an affair between the girls.
I have no idea if the affair continues as a love of the heart or a
seduction evolved into simply a source of enjoyable sex play devoid of any serious emotional
entanglements, not really any of my business.
But the net effect of the affair is of interest being as how it apparently
became a tangent point in a life and the new trajectory of that life impacts
many lives in the local proximity (several of her regulars are decidedly
worried about the whole business, totally distrusting a lesbian’s ultimate
motives and being rather fond of Ms. Kay and all… she’s become a bright spot in
more than just my mornings).
So where do all the lines
cross? What common factor could exist
between two women of different cultures separated by almost a generation and
living half a world apart? I’m gonna
take my chain saw and go sit out on this limb here (and remind myself not
to cut on the tree side of where I’m sitting!) and say the common factor
between Ms. Alex and Ms. Kay actually resides in the maternal facets of the
feminine heart, that portion in charge of picking herself a mate.
At this point you’re likely
thinking “Say what?!?!? A paragraph ago
you were talking about a lesbian seduction.
Just how in the name of Noah’s pet whales does a lesbian seduction get
tangled up with maternity? Dude, what are you smoking and why aren’t you
sharing any?” If that’s what you’re
thinking I don’t blame you, the question kicked my butt for a month before it
finally dislodged some understanding.
When I kept company with
Ms. Alex she wasn’t working alone, she had a partner in seduction I knew as
Selene. Back in the day it was thought
by those who knew the girls that Selene was a bit more than just Alex’s lover
(an assumption the girls deliberately fostered, for obvious reasons given the
environment), more than just her producer in other artistic endeavors, it was
said that when Alex was young to the erotic arts Selene had taken the role of
mentor for her. Now Selene is not only a
beautiful woman she is also a wise woman of depth and substance, and in the
days when she and Alex presented themselves to the world as a lesbian couple
she had a saying that went “men for love and women for sex.”
In truth I didn’t really
care for that statement. It seemed
callous, to my ears it simply screamed of the manipulation and usury predatory
women have been prone to working on immature males (of any age) since before the
days of Moses, it fed suspicion and set off all the alarms. For me it was a stumbling block to accepting
Selene at face value, not a happy thing.
Perhaps that’s exactly what she wanted, a litmus test quick and dirty
that would reveal a new patron’s emotional stance relative to the man-woman
interface. Likely enough, but I doubt
I’ll ever really know the facts of the matter.
Anyway, it’s taken nearly a
decade but I’ve now seen evidence in my personal reality that offers the
potential to validate that statement under certain circumstances, and the
nature of that validation is actually the main theme of this post, slow as it may
have been in the developing. The main
point of this post is actually a justification, an exploration of the true
value of the attitude known as chastity, odd as that might sound.
Indulge an old man here,
let me ramble a bit concerning these beautiful creatures, for what I say next
applies equally across the board.
Boy, I say boy, if any
woman of her class and caliber should decide to take you to her bed you’d damn
well better be ready for her: in shape, well rested and well fed, and don’t be
a damn fool and get an egotistical big head about the whole affair or it will
be six months before you figure out just how many times you did bounce on your
way to the beach. She’s a creature of
pure passion, it’s her lineage, her heritage, her genetics, better than half of
her life has been shaped and structured by both instinct and society to channel
and direct that passion, to contain and control it. She endures carrying the raw fire of life and
if she releases the locks and allows that passion full freedom not only will
she be the lay of your lifetime the consequences will run far beyond the sweat
you left on a lover’s bed, it will in all truth become the measure of a man.
Take my word for it lad, that’s
how it will be if you’re one of the ones she chooses for intimate testing to see if you’re who she
wants as the father of her children. Basic
facts of life, but there’s much more in play than just that. In all truth the human race endures on that
fire she carries, and this she’ll know as well, it’s coded into her instincts,
sooner or later that truth will present itself to her.
It’s that “sooner or later”
thing that throws the wrinkles. Sooner
or later relative to what? Relative to her of course, where she is on the curve that
represents her life, her maturity. Societies world wide usually set some
arbitrary calendar age and say “ok, at this point you’re now an adult, you’re a
grown up so behave accordingly.” I am
enough of a redneck to be legal exercising a basic redneck prerogative here, and
I’m going to, to wit, look the world’s societies in the eye and call “bullshit.” It doesn’t work that way, not for either
Think about it. People don’t grow at the same rate, even
beyond the environments of their life there’s always genetics to consider. There is no way to assign some arbitrary
calendar age as the onset of any given facet of maturity, it just can’t be
done. Best you can get is a mean, an
average, from that whole statistical distribution thing. That may be sufficient for broad stroke work
on society as a whole, but considered at the individual level where we each and
every one of us live it is worse than useless, it contaminates our reality with
expectations we may be ready to live up to, or not, it may compel us to wait
years before society allows us what we were in fact ready for five years
earlier (with all the risks associated to idle hands being the devil’s workshop
and other such folkisms carrying a kernel of truth).
There simply is no way, shy
of actually knowing someone worl and well, to know when that person is ready
for any given facet of life. It is in
accommodation of this fact that the concept of chastity is desperately needed
as an active force within society, needed
to protect the final stages of people’s maturation from premature expectations
that can, and usually do, damage and deform the final form of a life and
personality and the entire culture as a cumulative consequence.
That understanding was Ms.
Kay’s gift to me, realizing that she’d blossomed in her dealings with the world
at large because her affair with the lesbian lass was sheltering her from
society’s expectations that were in fact premature for her, sheltering her to
the point of allowing her to re-establish a chaste attitude with the remainder of her world. The difference that chastity made, regardless
of the sexuality that enabled it, was literally night and day.
Like I said, she’s a fox, no
doubt hot and hot blooded, sizzling sensuous, intelligent and perceptive, of
course she’s going to sense every male who looks at her thinking “damn, I’d like some of that…” while giving not a thought as to her true
state of life, giving not a thought as to what his ambition, transitory as it
might be, is causing her to endure as her instincts respond to his. She’s going to feel that lack of chastity,
whether she knows to call it that or not, and what a totally unfair thing that
is to do to her when she knows inside herself that she’s not ready to allow
such an ambition, not from anyone, to go to maturity in the form of the new
family that both society and nature’s instinct desire. What a motive to grow some callous, sacrifice
that innocent sensuality into a protective shell of cynicism and distrust of
the sort that usually ends up in a divorce court fresh come from a therapists
The problem here, as in so
many places, is that a basic concept of life is poorly understood, often misapplied,
in point of fact quite bastardized compared to the functional facts of the
matter. Chastity is no more celibacy
than innocence is ignorance, but those who claim to champion what the Hindu
people call dharma have allowed this understanding to fade from
common knowledge (in my part of the world “they” would primarily be those
religions descended from the tent of Abraham, and the cynic in me would say “they”
have encouraged such understanding to fade from common knowledge so the
confusion and resulting contradictions created can be harvested as political
power controlled by their collectives, but that’s just me).
In any case what a fine weapon
the enemy acquired with the demise of chastity, such a fine tool for
maintaining the currently downright miserable status quo. I’m of a mind to believe that in the cause of
happiness it is time and high time to establish a dialog on the subject of chastity,
what it is and what it really isn’t, and start the work of migrating that
understanding back into the common knowledge even if in the beginning it must
be smuggled in by the alternate lifestyles right under the oversize noses of
those whose secret ambition is to make sure our culture is as un-chaste as they
can arrange for with their lies and their misdirection on the subject.
As for Ms. Kay? I’m going to smile when I see her, watch with
delight as she expands her command of that magic of contagious happiness, and
to her I offer a most sincere Thank You, you join the ranks of the other good
women who’ve enlarged my life by teaching me something… sweetheart may the rain
kiss on your garden while the sun shines on your street, laughter find you
often, tears be brief and sweet. Via con
dios beautiful woman.
chastity, not in the interest of 'chastity' as you say, 'nos, but yes, as defense against shallow, clueless or predatory males - her emotionally and physically needed sexual experience necessary for personal development into a mature and ready life partner for a man, who has hopefully somehow developed similarly. [of course, good luck with that, but that's another conversation. where does the younger male encounter his appropriate role model? he's contaminated by most societies after all.]
ReplyDeleteRenata, [Selene], is still searching, rigorous in keeping herself in shape, disconcertingly so - meticulous in her personal image and in mothering her two kids, but obviously very lonely for a really good man. it appears that Alex is happily married. at least that is what we're left to surmise.
Kay? hopefully, she's doing it right. something i'm wondering about: it there so much girl-girl partnering going on, and the young men noticing, that it's somehow making them more aggressive and predatory in reaction, same sex experimentation being much much more natural for young female humans, leaving young males feeling totally 'left out'.
and, i don't think today is much worse than yesterday. life in our world is life in our world... pip
Pip, you know just as well as I do it’s not just the boys mistreating the girls, it’s both mistreating each other, in the same manner and for the same reasons. Like so many things it’s the reasons that need exposed, disenfranchised and dismissed. Now I’ll full grant that the observable symptoms of this problem are quite different between the genders, but allowing for the whole male-female thing that shouldn’t be so surprising.
DeleteI really don’t think Kay “needed” the experience of having a sensual/sexual affair with another woman, as such, to facilitate her growth, I think what she needed was a way to acquire the same thing Alex used to do for so many of us: a way to be comfortable setting the entire subject aside as a delightful and proper part of life already fully and completely satisfied in order to allow all the other facets of life to be enjoyed at full resolution... aka, “The Lover’s Secret” , that magic of a contagious happiness. The lass who was/is her lover was able to provide her that, and the rest just Ms. Kay being herself minus the burden of defending herself from waaaay to many people’s expectations of her.
Renata is still very much in my sphere of empathy, I strong suspect it was her love and support that allowed Alex to operate as she did, and we both know the good she worked in so many lives because of that support. Just between you and me (and anyone else who happens to read this... now ya’all mind yer manners, you hear me talking?) if I were given to spend one night with one of the girls I’d probably choose to spend it with Renata. Why? Because I don’t think there’s anything I could share with Alex that she doesn’t already know, but maybe, God willing and maybe, across a night dedicated to an open intimacy I might be able to share things with Renata that would be of lasting value to her, help bring the scales of life to balance on the whole affair. I’ve spent a lot more time thinking about her than my writings would indicate.
As for your question? It dives a bit deep for a comment. Lemme put out a best effort to doing proper justice to it in a full post, ok?
Let me try out a thesis here, one that has come from many interactions in the last decade or so that have challenged my more-or-less traditional understanding of "chastity." Here it is:
ReplyDeleteTrue chastity is to engage in sexual activity only with the full knowledge, understanding and affirmation of all beings involved.
(Believe me, I thought hard about every word in that! Especially "affirmation," a word that means much more than mere "consent.")
Jochanaan, I'll go with all of the above, and add that the attitude of chastity is a tempering within the self to only consider offering such intimacies upon being convinced that the focus of desire is actually ready and able to make an affirmation of the consequences involved... that they may give evidence of desiring such a relationship is absolutely no assurance they are actually ready... a case of love protecting itself if you understand my drift.
DeleteI'll go with that. So my amended thesis now reads:
DeleteTrue chastity is to engage or offer to engage in sexual activity only with the full knowledge, understanding and affirmation of all beings involved.
i didn't say it, 'nos, but the current 'underlying rape culture' in colleges, and certain parts
ReplyDeleteof the world were the basis of my comments, more than the residue of a puritanical past,
which still permeates much of the world in general. [the latter probably a continuing cause of the former, yes] so yes, you were addressing root causes and root cures?
jochanaan, i think you honestly nailed it with your well thought out phrasing, the perfect definition arising from the way a father would like to think of sons and daughters entering and living their sexual lives.
that education on these, and various other social requirements for a stable world are lacking, due to [conservative vs liberal sensibilities] - how do we effectively mandate
a compulsory program of really suitable and necessary education? copy the scandinavian nations? they do comprise the happiest and seemingly most well rounded societies in the world.
note: continuing to do things the American way, more and more just seems delusional.
:) pip
"note: continuing to do things the American way, more and more just seems delusional."
DeleteYes. How in the world (literally!) do we expect our sons and daughters to make good decisions with no information, or worse, with the sort of "information" they get from porn sites or their peers who know no more than they do?
*sad chuckle* As far as I can see "The American Way" faded from America some time ago, decades ago, replaced by "The Amerikan Way" as defined by *fill in the blank, attach additional sheets if needed* By the time I was born "The American Way" was more memory than fact, at this point it's more of a legend than a memory, and like most legends being mocked on a regular basis by those who couldn't live up to the legend, much less the reality.
DeleteYep. "The land of the free and the home of the brave" is now the land of the "free offer" and the home of the hoodwinked.