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Twisting Fate... what is about to begin happening, one way or another. |
This post is a
continuation of an ongoing series:
Tardation; The Tardation Matrix; The Tardation Matrix: Dimensions; The
Tardation Matrix: Human(x,y,n)
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Tardation: a manufactured and
artificially installed psychological malady emulating an addicted state of life
where irrational political beliefs are deliberately sublimated into a life as
the working counterbalance for the equally deliberate creation of a
dysfunctional individual psychology within the victim.
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So far these thoughts
have been focused almost exclusively on the matrix of questions to be used.
Why? Because questions must precede answers of course. But now it’s time to think a bit on the
remainder of the beast.
Questions beget answers,
many of which will be partial answers, incorrect and incomplete answers. How
these intermediates are handled while they’re evaluated, promoted or discarded
makes quite a difference in how efficiently they can be processed. I’m of a mind to think the work deck for
these intermediates should echo the matrix from which they originated, a three
dimensional array of the same dimensions as the first, five by five by n deep
where each “n” is one set of intermediates. That’s twenty five responses where by soft
convention nine of them have a pre-defined emphasis, with fourteen wide open.
The chances any thought
dropped through the machine is going to only generate one possible answer are
vanishing thin. The world is simply more
complex than that. The flow of the intermediates generated is a data source in
and of itself, the more and more diverse a group of people contributing to the
study the more accurate they become.
There needs to be a
protocol in the answer matrix for tracking the exact progression of thought,
all the lines of reasoning originating from some initial input. Since the answer matrix is going to be
strings, text, I’m thinking a dedicated
header section would be appropriate, some convention to indicate flow and
So let each entry in the
answer matrix begin with a header enclosed in the [square brackets] where the
convention is [ date:time stamp; contributor code; #(x,y,n) to indicate the entry point
(beginning of thread) and |(x,y,n) to indicate the immediate predecessor or
referring point. If one answer leads to another question, as so often they
will, then an in text citation in similar format pointing to where the new
question enters. A bit of fideltity to convention and it becomes possible for
fairly simple macro code to reconstruct a line of thought.
That should make a decent
system to begin from. An idea goes in
the top, bounces around rote question to rote question, the results are stored
in a matching structure where they can be retrieved. Ok, enough to start from as soon as the final
major component is built.
The final, and in a very
real sense the most critical, component is some sort of risk assessment… a key,
a rosetta stone to translate what comes out of the machine into as realistic an
estimation of consequences as possible. This
is where the rubber meets the road, where the academic elements of
contemplation cross it up with the deeds of reality. The entire point of a
study like this is to determine, if possible, which threat vectors need
addressing first, and how to address them.
I want you to do me a
favor now. I want you to recall to mind that magnificent man Forest Gump. Yes,
one and the same that Tom Hanks did such a masterful job of portraying in the
movie. ( You haven’t seen Forest Gump? Find a copy and watch it, please,
because the character is going to show up fairly often from here on out. He’s
as genuine and gentle a creature of God as I can imagine, he’s fictional and
well known… Forest
and company are going to be my “every man” example.) Got him back? Ok.
Do you recall how Lieutenant
Dan finally said thank you to Forest for saving his life by putting part of
Forest’s money he made shrimpin’ like Bubba told him about into some kind of
fruit company? Made him so much money he didn’t have to go out shrimpin’ no
more and he could cut that grass for free while raising little Forest ?
Yes *wink* that company. Where they
might not be as guilty as some they’re most definitely players in our reality
who work in these realms. So “the fruit company” is going to serve as my
example of those social institutions and endeavors whose competitions for
survival become such massive power players on the human stage.
The focus of the moment
is trying to create some realistic risk assessment tool to address whatever
might be discerned concerning the unnatural anger and polarization of modern
society that I’ve been calling “tardation.” So… deep breath at the stand up to
it writing desk, run the check list: fresh pot of coffee, new pack of smokes,
the big stereo talking to two hundred albums worth of good music on full random
play… yea. As ready as I can get.
The function of the tool
proposed sets the consequences of a thought run through the machine. Some of
these thoughts will be from imagination, but the majority of them will have a
bit of history to them, they’ll have been sparked by some observation of
reality. Working from the dangerous
assumption (because I really have no other choice) that what history can show
us falls between the ones on the good old bell curve (the middle of the hump
where over half of things end up) the next step is to define the extremes.
The best case scenario is
humanity heals, becomes a collection of unique cultures respectfully tolerant and
understanding of the other, the competitions are in works of wholesome imagination
constructed into a reality where humanity lives in sustainable balance with the
planet that supports it. In other words, the things that leave Gaia to smile at
the fact that Jesus is finally, finally free of the pain he accepted to save
the race. There’s little to worry about on that end. It’s the other end of that
curve where things get scary.
What is the absolute worst case scenario imaginable? (lol… and the stereo quite unbidden serves up Pink
Floyd’s “Money”… is random play really so very random?) The other end is
thermonuclear Armageddon of course, a dead world a full million years of
healing away from supporting any life at all on the surface of the globe. That’s
the worst potential, from the macroscopic perspective. Of course there are
several scenarios not quite so bad, not quite, that would generate an immensely
larger degree of human suffering, but go figure. The dead do not suffer, at
least not in any mortal sense of the word. For our purposes those “not quite so
bad” nightmares made reality become the worst case scenarios we might
experience. In a truly worst case scenario we’ll die very quickly, or if luck
isn’t with us we’ll suffer for a couple of years and then be dead too. In that
case it really won’t matter anymore.
All other possibilities
close on the center from these extremes. It might be a good thing to know just
where we as a species, a society of societies, really are on that scale. Knowing
where we are now, and knowing (kinda sorta) where we were back then, some
compilation of points from history, and it becomes possible to perceive some
unit to fit a standard distribution of the well being of humanity. Now, with
that said it becomes quite a question from the ethical standpoint where to
declare the median and mean, but that’s a debate for a different day.
I say might be because if
we actually knew for sure it might be so damn scary as to cause a panic, truth
be told. But that’s where this ramble has come to, and that’s where it’s gonna
get parked for tonight.
Enjoy life while you can
and like the truckers used to say “we’ll catch you on the flip flop.”