Murphy's Law Chapter 2 Section 13: Every job has at least one bitch bolt.
These... are not supposed to end up looking like this. Very, very annoying when they end up looking like this. I normally don't mind doing mechanic work, just one of many skills that poverty has inserted into my life. But that's when things work like they're supposed to, when the fellow before you did it right. When they get so stubborn that it takes a gross application of brute force to accomplish what should be a simple straightforward little task I do tend to get annoyed. I don't like abusing my old hands and arms for several hours working an angle grinder up between the frame and the motor mounts to cut a heat seized nut off an exhaust manifold stud. Just not the way it's supposed to work. And all for the lack of a nickels worth of anti-seize. You'd think the bright boys who design such things could have told the guys who make the studs to cast a nice 13mm hex where the little round divot thingy is so if it comes out of it's proper hole in the exhaust manifold (the one where you defend THOSE threads at all costs) while you were trying to unscrew the big nut you'd have something to get a serious wrench on to up the torque on the culprit threads, but no. That makes to much sense. Oh, well. Somewhere in purgatory there is a special place where
engineers get to repair that which they designed... after it's been in
service for a good long while out in the real world. Ok... this completes this test of the idiot exposure system, rant complete... back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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