Monday, July 25, 2022

To those who are closing in on the causes…

I say to you as was said to the aerial warriors of yesteryear… God's Speed, and Good Hunting! I take to my keyboard with equal amounts of hope and fire in my heart to return to the subject of autism. 
I read a research paper today that adds solid information to a subject I spoke about in a previous post, "When Theories Collide," originally published eight years ago. In that post (moved to display just below this one) is contained the first whispers to reach my ears concerning the herbicide RoundUp and a correlation between its' usage and the incidence of autism in the population dwelling in, or fed by, the regions where the usage was heaviest. In that post I said "The only thing missing of course is the actual mechanism by which an herbicide used in commercial agriculture is driving a psychiatric disorder that is, for all intents and purposes, still a total mystery to science." 
That mystery is evaporating to reveal the full and ugly truth of this matter. The article (link below) builds a solid case of research based causal reasoning detailing the multiple paths by which the now all but ubiquitous compound glyphosate (active ingredient of the now defunct brand name RoundUp, but a compound still in heavy use world wide) attacks one of the most key chemical balances in all of nature, including of course the human condition. The paper does a fine job of detailing the multiple mechanisms by which the herbicide has caused the increases in the incidence of autism related disorders. 
Glyphosate is what is called a persistent chemical, it builds up in the ecosphere and is difficult to remove even with the best of intentions. If all of America's farmland were declared an EPA superfund site, money no object, it would still take decades to remediate this disaster. The research presented reveals glyphosate as the initiating villain of a sequential set of events running through both the microbiome of soil chemistry and the animal kingdoms, events that converge in the human food chain to initiate several different forms of multi-generational deformations in the production and utilization of the critical brain chemical Dopamine, deformations that echo down the entire chain of interlinked and interdependent chemistries which must be in proper balance to make full and functional sanity possible. 
My hope is that with the understandings achieved in the last eight years it might be possible to craft therapies to mitigate the harm done to a multitude of innocent lives. Perhaps, several lines look promising. 
Approaching this subject from the perspective of the fire in my heart which burns on behalf of the autistic boy who is my third roommate, the boy I've been mentoring for four years now watching him fight for his sanity and suffer the consequences of what that article speaks of? From that perspective this one is too big for any class action lawsuit. Simple money is petty well below even being considered. A campaign of retaliatory revenge comparable to The Wrath of God's war on the Nazi war criminals might be appropriate… and yet still futile. Those afflicted now and deep into our future would still be afflicted. It will have to be forgiven, it really cannot be avenged. 
But that said, it is bloody well time and high time to relentlessly pursue the ultimate origins of this problem… the unbridled arrogance of Empire Academia teaching their students to assume they are, by reason of their degrees, entitled to casually tinker with the foundation building blocks of nature! Money from some corporate donor/patron does not, and cannot, justify teaching that such extended and unrecoverable risks can ever be put under the command of corporate greed and rationalizations. 
It is time to rein them in hard, and arrange by public referendum federal legislation to assure that from here on, in the eyes of the highest law of the land, they will carry equal responsibility with the corporate entities who sponsor them for any and all consequences of what they taught inflicting harm on the human condition. Period, end of sentence. They have skated away from their share of the responsibility one time too often. 

To the article mentioned:

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