Monday, July 25, 2022

When Theories Collide...

==originally published 6/26/14===
*brought forward by new evidence/experience
pertinent to the subject involved...*

I may well be full on full bore crazy.  If I’m not then there’s some heavy, heavy things in play that will define the future of the human race for the foreseeable future.  Nope, no bullshit, the rosebushes are going to have to scrounge for dinner, I’m serious.  Please, please read what follows with an open mind, this thought needs to get out there.

The first of the two theories began a few years back believe it or not from talking with some ladies who shared a few things in common.  These women were all full mature, fifty plus, they were all mothers, and they were all veterans of, if not living in, lesbian relationships after having raised their children and buried the man of their life.  These were not aging porno stars, nor were they man haters, they were simply good women who towards the end of their lives shared their life with another woman of like kind.  They were interesting company, theirs’ an interesting perspective on the world.

Among the things I was allowed privy to at one point was a facet of their love lives they were discussing, a unique state of being they chose to call “the erotic core.”  All of the ladies were educated, several professional writers, and yet they still struggled to find words to describe what they seemed to agree was a common phenomenon in their lives related to, triggered by, and yet quite possibly transcending the sexual.  After listening for a while I volunteered that the closest thing I’d ever heard to what they were discussing were efforts by women to describe the mother-child bond of early infancy when the little one’s life was still totally interlinked with and supported by momma.  I put forth the theory ( full expecting to get some textual equivalent of that look that means “just how could you  possibly have a clue?”) that perhaps what they were experiencing was some psychic or spiritual mechanism of that bonding function reawakened by the tenderness they carried for their lover/companion expressed in the intense and yet essentially lust-less (from a social perspective, equally, from a reproductive perspective) sensuality they shared between them.  But I didn’t, what I got back was a fully considered “that almost makes sense.”

And it does almost make sense.  If there is one time that to evolution’s perspective it makes total sense for there to be a telepathic function it is between mother and child in the later stages of pregnancy and the early stages of infancy.  After all, the first thing the little one has to learn how to do is work one of the most complicated and subtle of things known to the human experience: his own brain.  It makes total sense for the mother to help with that process, to borrow a few terms from the digital world help with the formatting and configuration operations if you will, far to complex for direct perception by mother or child, but rewarded for both by that warm glow everyone with eyes and even half a heart can see. 

It would take years, decades, of work to put a body of scientific research under such a theory, but still it is a valid theory based in causal logic.  For the sake of this essay please hold that thought if you will in a buffer labeled “if this be true then the following is possible...” and consider what follows from the perspective that there is a telepathic function to the human condition, a critical function normally limited to the first few months of awareness that operates essentially at the firmware level many, many developmental levels below what would be called personality.

This theory-thought has been floating around in the back of me brain for several years now, not the sort of thing to demand a lot of attention, just leaving it active looking for evidence that might fit.  The other day something broke my horizon that pulled this theory back front and center with a bang.  Hopefully not a bang to be followed by a whimper.

Monsanto: the international monster corporation of the agro-chem world is the cornerstone of what yanked my attention back into this domain.  Monsanto markets the herbicide Roundup® that is in ever heavier service in the agricultural industries trying to feed a seven billion plus and still growing world population.  Theirs’ is a noble work, needed, and yet not without heavy risk... anytime you start tinkering with mother nature the risks go up exponentially the deeper you get with your tinkering, and Monsanto is playing deep enough to be full on scary... it takes years, generations, sometimes centuries to have enough data to fully understand the full consequences of some things, but sometimes only a tenth of that time span for some error to have a catastrophic and permanent impact on the general reality.  Case in point?  The current problem with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  It took well over a century for that relationship to come clear. You get the picture.

In the last months data has been surfacing linking the usage density of Roundup® with the incidence of children born impacted by and afflicted with what is called the Autistic spectrum of psychiatric anomalies and disorders in the regions involved with, or fed by, the areas where the usage was heaviest.  The numbers are solid, the linkage well on its’ way to being a proven thing.  The only thing missing of course is the actual mechanism by which an herbicide used in commercial agriculture is driving a psychiatric disorder that is, for all intents and purposes, still a total mystery to science.  Even the best of the head-shrinkers don’t know enough about the actual mechanisms of how the human brain really works to do more than guess and go look concerning what might be causing the shifts and skews observed in reality.  It’s far, far easier to determine what is happening than to get to a bottom line why it is happening, you know?

Among the multitude of things that appear in far larger numbers among the autistic than in the general population are what are called “the Indigo Children,” those individuals who are often heavily afflicted by the autism, and yet display abilities that really do defy full understanding in causal logic.  For all of human history there have been those few individuals whose abilities history has never been able to explain... Nostradamus,  Edgar Cayce and the like... where it was obvious they were tapped into, able to access, an information stream not available to others.  In short, the statistical anomalies that were (and are) the true psychics of the world.  Obviously these individuals are of human origin, and equally obvious is the fact that their abilities are a latent potential of the human genome.  In short, they were mutations that were fully functional, but didn’t breed true.

The thing about mutations is that the more of them that occur, particularly involved with some one specific function in life, the greater the chances that a few of them will breed true, or set an ascending recessive into their descendents (essentially the same thing, just delayed) to reappear in ever greater numbers as the generations go by particularly if they interbreed with others who equally carry the same recessive.

This is the point where the second theory came into being, the one I perceived as being on a full on and terrifying collision course with the first theory I proposed in the beginning.

It is becoming known that the mutagenic Roundup® (yes, it is a mutagen, engineered to  genetically modify the weeds to be sterile... known fact) is the driving factor in the wholesale jump in the number of individuals born within the autistic spectrum.  It is equally known that Roundup® is being sold in ever greater amounts exposing an ever larger percentage of the population.

Thirty, forty years ago the number of those considered “autistic” was 1 in approximately 2500 to 3000.  These days, even operating under the more limited definitions of yesteryear that number is approaching 1 in 500 or so.  A scary fast increase.  It is equally known that those called “the indigo children” who so often show abilities akin to the legends of the psychic are usually, not always but in say nine out of ten cases, also included among those within the autistic spectrum.  Considering the ever larger number of humans exposed the potential is obvious, terrifyingly obvious, if you are willing to look at the state of the human condition full on objectively.

I am going to take my chainsaw and go sit out on this limb and say that I’m coming to believe the actual mechanism of this jump in the number of autistic individuals is the result of a chemically (read Roundup® and any others similar)  induced mutation in the genetics of those exposed that favors an increase in their psychic abilities, and that this increase is in fact the mechanism that produces the autistic spectrum by which they are first identified: the mutation prematurely increases, enhances and expands the range of their sensitivity to the point that the critical developmental brain formatting operation is compromised and contaminated by the noise of humanity originating from beyond momma!

The abilities of those so effected are both compromised and in some cases, in some ranges,  enhanced far beyond their fellows, their motive for resentment of those compromises directly proportionate to their ability to (re)engage with the humanity that would have thrust them into such a state of life unwilling. 

Boys and girls, guys and gals and Martians of all persuasions... if there be any truth at all to the collision of these two theories then the dice are rolling.  So many, so very many of the legends and myths and prophecies humanity has indulged in over the years make perfect sense to such a scenario, particularly if at any point some set of recessives surface in a fairly large number to the point the mutation begins to breed true!  Everything from the zombie apocalypse to the 2000 year old prophecies of John writing in the book of Revelation concerning the number of man... as  beast... come into clear and terrifying focus given such a scenario.

Heads up world!  I am so totally hoping I’m totally full of it...


  1. Have you taken into account the increasing interface of humans with the sort of technology that makes this virtual conversation here on The Art and Odd Thoughts possible? That tends to increase the likelihood of autistic development, but I cannot see how it would foster Indigo development...

    1. Good thought! Jochanaan, I can easily see how technology would be a factor in increasing the "noise" level of humanity considered from a "telepathic" pov... instant communication at distance resolves as many minds rather far apart engaged around some common thought or sentiment, some common event... it would be like broadcasting the same radio program from many antennas spread out across the globe... a saturation function. A most interesting angle indeed...

    2. And to live increasingly in a virtual world of our own creating tends to isolate one from the real world of earth, rock, sand, trees, flowers, animals, bugs and the rest--from Gaia to Techworld. How well I know the danger, being a lover of books! Yet the best books evoke the very world of earth, scents, sounds and risk; The Lord of the Rings is a prime example, not of escapism but of spending healing time in a world where we, like Frodo Baggins, can change history's course with a single Ring and a journey through poisonous dark. Such "sub-creation" (as Tolkien himself referred to his works) can be an expression of power over our lives--as can prayer--as can simply being the light and salt within our dark, bland world...
