Sunday, January 20, 2019

Of Dorps and Derps and Mystical Twerps …

…and things that go bump in the night.  Well, sometimes they go bump, but only when they’re not watching where they walk. Not like they’re the only ones who don’t watch where they walk and bump into things, including each other. Perhaps more on that later. I’m speaking, of course, about those who seek mystical council delivered via  the internet.

Why would that subject come to the front at this point in time? Because I’m currently watching a crew of mystically attired councilors work, watching them work the same way I used to watch a crew of quite nude erotic models work trying to teach the emotional components of sex-ed to the lonely hearts. Amazing, really, how much their tactics (the mystics and the models) really do have in common. Not so surprising though, really, when you consider that the first and largest thing they have in common is an attribute, an attitude, shared at deep levels by their clientele.

The thing their respective clientele share in common involves a deformation of a thought I’ve been spinning around for several months now. Which thought? The role of the self  having authority within the life.

It is a fact that rank, one’s position within the machine of society, is a thing awarded by those above while authority, the genuine authority that allows one to meet the demands and responsibilities of rank, is a thing granted by those of lesser station (within the machine) as reward for proven competence at providing the common good. This fact, seldom mentioned, is the point of my focus. Sadly, I’m ever more of a mind to believe there were those who not only internalized this thought but also exploited it for ignoble motive.

I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion perhaps the single most devastating attack on the American way of life involved an external force operating pan-social to degrade individual’s ability to be their own authority… in matters regarding where authority is granted for good and rational cause.

Consider the conundrum of those who’ve been deprived of enough internal authority-of-self to make a decision concerning granting authority externally. Think about how that lacking inflicts perpetual doubt and perpetual vulnerability to being manipulated by a totally undefinable fear of unnamed and unnameable consequences residing where the missing authority-of-self should be.

Think about that, but do it carefully. The entire subject is one giant psychological minefield to compare with the north end of South Korea. But, on the other hand, in such a context the efforts of the counselors in mystic garb make total sense. Of course it does, they’re the only ones who can operate in such an environment.

Why? Because when authority-of-self is short circuited any and every other form of mortal authority is transformed from a choice into an inflicted force of external compulsion sure to be resented, secretly denied, secretly resisted even at the price of personal well being. When the mortal has been rendered impotent what is left?

The immortal, of course: the Gods and Goddesses, the myths and mythos’ mankind preserves to counterbalance the power of the society. The authority of Grandmother Earth, as one of my favorite of these counselors calls her, is an authority which can granted without fear of repercussion from the mortal realms. After all, She is undeniably bigger than they are no matter who they claim to be. With her blessing the process of reclaiming enough internal authority to actually decide who should be an authority isn’t nearly so terrifying.

Except, of course, to those who need that terror to be maintained for political reasons, but that’s a subject for another ramble at a later date. 

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