Monday, January 4, 2016

To Big for a Comment Block…

*chuckle* Ah, my oh so liberal friend… bullshit. 

Technology encompasses a very great deal more than just Boolean electronics.  Pollution was understood (not admitted to formally of course but well understood) before FM radio became common much less the digital realms.  The meteorologists were worried about their statistics in the sixties, they just weren’t saying much, the line hadn’t wiggled that much.  I’d say Star Trek should get credit for blowing the whistle on global warming, it was Star Trek introduced the term “planetology” into the vocabulary and with the term the first genuine scientists to adopt that mode of thought.

As for informing the people?  Were it not for the scare mongering propaganda of the original eco-idiot Ralph Nader (circa 1970) we’d have migrated from reciprocating internal combustion engines for mobile power over to external combustion light oil turbine-electric the first time the Arabs shut off the oil to Japan (circa 1974)… (the US doesn’t really use that much of their oil but when they quit pumping we have to share our share with our ally, never forget that the US was a founding member of OPEC!)… net result being that the needed R&D for such systems (immensely more efficient than reciprocating!) would be forty years proven now when robotic buoys riding the currents of the South Pacific and harvesting hydrogen off of sunlight are a viable possibility.  Hydrogen combustion, net output water vapor and heat, 0 nada zip by way of greenhouse gases and power a plenty.  No gasoline, no diesel, just good old clean steam  refurbished to go again with it’s new sidekick regenerative braking.

But sadly Nader’s meme was that any prime source of motive power turning over 6000 rpm cannot be made anything but lethally dangerous and uncontrollable, the oil barons smiled and said “thank you!” and the corporate socio-drone segment just kept on pumping out low rpm low thermal efficiency IC engines to stay on the good side of grandpa’s ghost.  Yes, the people were informed.  Just to ignorant to understand and never to be educated.  And amazingly they scared that particular chance to seriously mitigate pollution and the associated global warming to death without the aid of the internet!  Just imagine what Nadar’s descendents are doing now!

It’s not the technology, it’s the politics and politics is not a matter of rational knowledge applied to a real world problem, politics is the very low art of manipulating the insecurities and ego of the ignorant.  The internet is a magnificent technology in that cause.  There’s two ways to lie to people… the first being of course tell them an untruth and deny access to any information that might contradict the untruth, censoring and stifling the flow of all information in the process.  It holds for a while, but the truth will always get out.  That’s the old school way. 

But the better way is to exploit the most basic tenants of the human critter and tell the people so many unrelated truths that you overrun the knowledge base of the majority leaving them to pick up and focus on a truth that doesn’t do a damn thing, has no potential to do anything, about the issue you’re wanting to keep concealed!  Democracy, remember?  If 95% of the people are valiantly engaged and spending their resources and emotional strength on emotionally motivated social issues unrelated to the pragmatic issues of survival?  No one can muster a majority to address any real problem, those who would need to care have already spent their ration of give-a-damn on something else!  The internet is a truly awesome technology for doing that.

Net result of what the internet has enabled into the modern world is that the whole flippin’ bunch of idiots are standing around like a spoiled teenager in a trashed out bedroom whining they just don’t know where to begin the cleaning!  I’ll offer the presidential campaign of one Donald Trump into evidence in support of the above.

As for the reptilian voyeur spy vs. spy folks trying to spy on everyone?  They hope, they so desperately hope (as do I!!!) that they can pull off the meme that the only way to organize some violent form of social suicide is by way of electronic communication!  It’s the only way they have half a chance of intercepting that all to real possibility in time to prevent some minor fragment of a percentage (and no, it wouldn’t take that many, not if they know their ass from a hole in the ground about the technologies that actually support modern society, and the internet is waaaay low on that list… one-one hundredth of a percent would be plenty of manpower) from plunging what’s left of society into cannibalistic anarchy, they whose socially implanted omniphobia (inflicted on them more by the digital info/emo-glut than anything else!) has imparted a suicidal resolve leading to the decision  that some action to remove the source of the fear is better than no action in that cause!  Personal freedom and all that the Constitution of the United States of America stands for becomes expendable compared to that horrific possibility.  I offer the presidential campaign of one Hillary Clinton in support of the above.

(Fly it HOT Bernie, fly it hot… it’s the same damn beast no matter the paint job, Luke Skywalker showed you where to hit it… all us redneck hippies will do our best to keep Darth Romney’s Tie fighters off your ass…)

So yea at this point in my life, with only a few years of life left to me,  for fifty cents and good saddle horse I might just decide to fade back onto the land to pray for the souls of the dead and the fate of the survivors and mourn what humanity might have been rather than sit sadistic smug in front of this computer to watch the death agony of  what this age of the sun called civilization.


  1. Not on topic, but it seems to me someone who is heavily invested in examining society, psyche, symbols, deviant sex, etc. should have something to say on the subject of what happens at Bohemian Grove, where it's alleged that America's most powerful congregate to act strangely and make major policy decisions. Anything to say on the subject of the uncapped pyramid on the dollar bill? A person who admits he has odd thoughts should be able to contribute an interpretation of some of these things which, oddly enough, were in plain sight all this time but, oddly, seem to have only fairly recently been subject to even a modicum of scrutiny. Do you think it could have been just an appalling lack of curiosity? A website that deals with such cultural symbols is A bloke like you would undoubtedly find it interesting. How about caffeineing up and taking a stab at it, if it wouldn't take you too far afield from projects already underway?

    1. *chuckle* I'm not sure if examining the insanity of the modern in lieu of imbibing officially prescribed entertainments qualifies as heavily invested or not. If investment it was 'twas a poor choice, the dividends are meager to say the least.

      If there be truth to the rich and powerful approximating rational decision making while practicing some degree of intoxicated carnal excess it can only be hoped that the hired help (be their services performed horizontal or vertical) will find motive to smuggle out accurate tactical intelligence so that appropriate counter measures may be orchestrated which are not influenced by the all to often pornographic assumptions of the proletariat concerning the lifestyles of the rich and powerful. Even if countermeasure are not possible the movie rights would be worth a fortune, a fine updated follow to Mr. Kubrick’s final offering.

      As for the pyramid? I should think the first order of business would be to arrange a way to at least temporarily blind the all seeing eye before any structural modifications were attempted. The ring may be gone but the echo of the dark lord’s soul lives on in cultural convention empowered into juris prudence by his metaphorical descendents currently quite occupied with writing trade treaties to legally defeat the essential sovereign status of any and every democracy on the planet. For my money the architectural critics will simply have to wait their turn, or next time make it a point to make their case heard BEFORE the blueprints go to the contractors.

      As for that which hides in plain sight for lack of anyone seeing what they’re looking at? Oh yea, if I had a dime for every major instance of that? I’d be able to not only buy myself a fine lunch but leave a tip. I have no idea who you are, but thanks. I mean that. Thanks. I needed the laugh ;-)

  2. We all need a laugh from time to time, but that just represents taking a break from whatever our more serious purpose may be. From reading your posts, I would take that to be self-identification as a philosopher. More serious consideration of an overarching theme that could possibly put some of your pet peeves in a broader context might or might not be worth your time. Looking at things through a different lens is often revealing, though I have to admit it doesn't usually result in cheerfulness.

    1. You make several fine and perceptive points, several rather subtle to say the least. Sounds like the voice of experience speaking to me.

      My over-arching theme is the ongoing work “The Third Reality of Man” series, an investigation of the symbiotic relationship between the individual humans and what I am ever more convinced are self aware entities one level more complex than humanity on evolution’s chain of life empowered into consciousness by humanities technologies of communication.

      ceMason (as represented by the eye over the pyramid) is an entity I’ve not spoken of, I don’t have any real perception of it beyond what, at surface levels, would appear to be a quite benign presence in the affairs of mankind. In point of fact I’m not sure if the eye represents their organization or represents that which their organization was formed to contest and balance, eh? Always multiple possibilities, always. If/Then/Else/When the bane of the expansionist philosopher.

      Lenses are an interesting concept. An optical lens may bring into perception that which was hidden by distance or size or position on the spectrum of light, but by the same token if a social lens is not of one’s own construction then any information gained must be perpetually challenged for accuracy against the possibility the lens in question was provided as much to limit perception as enhance it. If the only way you can perceive a thing is by way of something external to the self, something provided to you intact and operating, then the motives of those who provided it MUST be the first order of investigation, and that most likely rather compromised by the fact the only factual information to be had will involve the properties of the very lens in question! An interesting conundrum, no?

      Is there a name by which I might address your pen?

  3. I think my reply has to start with the basic premise of sociology - which according to my interpretation of your posts you weave throughout your odd thoughts - which is that individuals are inseparable from whatever society they're born into. While I think that's a very difficult proposition to refute, I don't think it's entirely correct. Individuals can be quite separated from whatever culture and etc. they were born into and programmed with. At the same time, quite often, and I suspect this may be the case with you, there's something called history which has quite a lot to offer. It's my belief that quite a few of the things people are beating themselves over the heads with - problems they're trying to solve - can be greatly alleviated by a knowledge of history, which presents some overarching patterns that sociology and "philosophy" tend to overlook. I also think you have a bit of Sherlock Holmes about you and you would benefit from pursuing and solving a mystery. I'm of the opinion that you might be in some kind of a rut and a puzzle to solve would be therapeutic for you. My pen name is Anonymous. Not to be confused with the hackers who seem to fluctuate between heroic and diabolical purposes, of course. I wish I could get behind those guys, but because of the range of their targets, I can't decide whether to applaud or abhor them.

    1. Very well then Anon, Anon it is.

      It may be that to conventional interpretation sociology is woven through my “odd thoughts” but neither sociology nor psychology, as such, are of themselves container categories for the premise I’m exploring. If I were to hang out some pretentious sounding name to serve as a container class for my thought I’d label the majority of it as simply the human dynamic, the remainder being anecdotal bullshit offered for the amusement value.

      The concept of the collective entities as social elements empowered into self awareness by humanities now massive digital footprint is where the shrinks and the pharmaceutical industry grin at each other and say “Oh yea baby, we gonna make some money on this one once we get him caught and properly *ahem* medicated!” (to which I of course say Fuck You very kindly and catch me if you can fools, you have no bait for your trap!)

      The sociologists may say it is impossible for an individual to divorce the society of their birth but I like you disagree with that thought. Once it is understood what society provides to the inner self (as differing from the far simpler physical needs of survival) it is then possible for a self aware individual to set about severing the chains of social programming as it is called with deliberately chosen elements of self definition removed from those provided by the birth society, replacing that functionality with other elements be they from a different culture or of personal creation, in essence truly removing that individual from the society of his birth into a self and/or social definition of choice.

      History indeed, the pattern of human motive made action across the ages. Such a shame it isn’t taught from that perspective, but it is quite understandable why the powers turn pale at the thought. So many of their working lies would be reduced to ruble in a heartbeat if any major percentage of the population were able to relate the Now to the fifteen other Thens when the same pattern occurred.

      Sherlock Holmes. Mysteries. Ruts or is it ruttings? *chuckle* Do the inner workings of that creature called “woman” qualify? Deductive reasoning dear, not deductive clothing. If so I’ve had that going on for a long, long time now. *grin* Delightful creatures, really, such a shame so many of them were mistreated as human beings they felt the need to organize their perspectives into defensive configurations that so horribly impair their full potential.

      This retirement thing is about to kill me, I’m ready to go back on someone’s time clock just so I can get a day off! Look forward to chatting with you in the future Anon, but for now it’s time for me to call it a day.

  4. Are you our Hari Selden, Cyranos?

    1. *lol* I most sincerely hope not Jochanaan, I hope not. If I'm Harry then mankind is doomed to a minimum of a thousand years of fragmented chaos before things get back to normal... and that's if what I put out actually does what I hope it will... otherwise? We'll have Donald Trump for President en Perpetuity.
