Sunday, January 31, 2016

Punctuation be damned…

Ok, not really, punctuation is a good thing.  But I heard a tidbit drift across the other night down at the diner that involved punctuation, at least one element of it, and it’s been slowly foaming in the back of my thoughts ever since.  The humble semi-colon apparently has been drafted to have a brand new meaning.  Apparently some well meaning folk have designated it the new symbol for those involved in some manner with the subject of mental illness.  Hmmm… ok, if you say so.

The choice of the semi-colon is actually a bit interesting considered against its’ grammatical usage. A semi-colon is one of the trickier of the punctuations to use correctly.  As I understand it (and lord knows I’m no grammar Nazi so it’s entirely possible my understanding is incomplete) a full colon is used to indicate the start a listing of related things or ideas within the sentence that share some commonality defined by the section before the colon appeared.  When the list is of objects or simpler well understood ideas the more common comma is most often seen used for a delimiter to break up a list into its’ component items, but when the list is of new thoughts or new ideas spun off from the definition the semi-colon comes into play.   Most generally the list definition added to any section defined by the semi-colon would stand on its’ own as a full and complete sentence.  The humble and in these latter days seldom used (beyond the inevitable emoticon ;-) semi-colon allowed writers of days gone by to build very complex sentences reflecting very complex ideas, veritable eco-systems of related thought.  Where there are semi-colons there is usually a great deal of thought or, failing deep and deliberate thought, a very limited understanding of the subject at hand.

Perhaps it is the very complexity the semi-colon enables that got it chosen as a small and unobtrusive tattoo symbol for those who define themselves to the world in skin and ink.  Fair enough, I’ve no grief with someone for choosing to wear such a symbol be it as fair warning to the world or to indicate their life stands in support of someone so afflicted.  Not a bad thing, not at all.  Still though for myself I think I’ll stay with me old favorite the triple dot ellipse… the evolving thought, continued.

If your soul were fully writ
Upon your naked skin
Tell me Pilgrim, if you can,
What alphabet it’s in?


  1. I can see it all coming: ";" gets hijacked by activists, then becomes a slur, then gets banned as politically incorrect. Remember "gay"? It once meant "happy, carefree, playful;" and before that it meant "brilliant." (Oops! I used that politically incorrect punctuation properly! How rude of me! *lol*)

    1. *chuckle* Yup. That do sound like a very plausible life cycle for the whole affair.

  2. I stumbled upon your blog quite by accident today. Judt thought I'd try and explain this fad for you. The semi-colon was chosen as a symbol for those who have overcome depression/suicidal tendencies because it is grammatically used to indicate a place where a sentence could have stopped but instead continued. :-)
