Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Another night at the diner, another run of humanity.  Another thought sparked by one of those who also watch the wee hours go by waiting on the dawn.
She said “society is heartless.”  She’s right, it is.  And the why of that isn't so very hard, although to fully understand the how of it is to understand most of humanity's history as a side effect of that understanding.  
For society to have a heart society would have to be self aware enough, as a discrete entity, to host the functions of empathy, the ability to see in another self aware sentience an emotional state comparable to some state known to its’ self.  So far, to the best of my knowledge, no society has ever been self aware enough to host such a thought.  A simple answer indeed.
Perhaps if enough individuals become both self and self-source aware in time to do a decent job of parenting the emerging collective entities as they mature maybe someday there will be a society sufficiently self aware to actually have a heart on behalf of its’ component individuals. 

What a sweet dream. Merry Christmas world.


  1. unfortunately, 'nos, it appears most individuals don't even know what it means to be 'self-aware', let alone how to get there. and of those who do know the meaning, most are way to non-self-aware to ever realize their lack. they look at the ones who have the most as it they had the least. perception kills...

    :( pip

  2. AND: good news this morning! it appears the Catholics have a wonderfully self-aware Pope!
