Thursday, April 24, 2014

Zombie Skirmish in Academia...

It’s an old saying, and a wise one:  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Hard to argue with that one, it really is.  I’m not trying to argue with it, I agree with that idea whole heartedly.  What I’m wondering is how long it’s going to be before the kids full recognize the truth of it and start asking themselves what it is that needs preventing lest at some point in the future it need curing.

The kids joke about it, in a nervous sort of way, the coming zombie apocalypse when the undead rise up and attack the living.  Right, sure thing, zombies.  How did zombies get in the game?  Zombies got in the game because many a true word is spoken in jest, and many a true concept finds its’ way into the common culture riding on and expressed in terms from some legend of antiquity or work of fiction.  The connection isn’t that hard to see, once you take a good look at a zombie followed by a good look at what is being proselytized into the collective culture of mankind as a replacement for the rational (or the other way around, it works going both ways).  

Zombies: the animated dead, the undead possessed of no thought, no memory, no will free or otherwise, no self; zombie, a creature reduced to a primal hunger for the brain of a living creature, that hunger a terrifying and pathetic final grasp at existence on the way into utterly ignoble oblivion hoping to reclaim life or at least a decent death, both of which are denied the once human zombie by some force of evil spreading inexorably through the population.  Zombies. 

A totally grim thing, when you think about it.  But is zombie all that different from the end result of what is being advertised from so many different angles as the enlightened understanding required for admittance into (if not actual survival within) modern society?  Ok, the eating someone’s brain thing is hopefully a bit left of drama compared to real life, but is the rest of it that far off?  Not really, not when all the facets and factors are overlaid to represent the true force vector impacting on the modern human.

The word is compression, and no, I’m not jumping subjects here, just setting up a fairly decent analogy to the modern world based on the whole relative volume piston down piston up fuel stability at head pressure whatever thing found in internal combustion engines.  I’m talking the sort of compression you get from crowding to many people onto the same planet, I’m talking about the heat of that kind of compression, and in the end I suppose I’m also talking about what is used to stabilize what is exposed to that heat so it doesn’t explode untimely and cause potentially catastrophic  damage to the whole affair, which is where the analogy comes pertinent to the whole zombie apocalypse thing. 

Zombies just flat don’t have enough left to be particularly vulnerable to the heat of social compression problem, if they have one thing going for them they’re very stable creatures.  At least, at any temperatures seen so far.  So, just to stretch my analogy a bit further than it already is I’m gonna start rating, in my private thought if nowhere else, the various and sundry social movements impacting on the culture of the United States from this or the other source in terms of Zv: their zombie vector. The sum of Zv as impacts any given individual (to the point of being internalized as the psychobabble folk would say) becomes Zq, their zombie quotient, and that plays to social compression just like the octane rating of gasoline relates to the sort of compression Ferrari has a lot of and Ford not so much, and a good bit beyond that as well.

Ok, so how is this Zv Zq  thing supposed to work?  It shakes out easiest as a vector problem, but that’s math and this really isn’t the forum to start speaking mathmatese, there’s other folk a lot better at that than I am and the blog is in English.  And anyway, before you can start defining reality in math you need to define the concepts and parameters the math will represent, so first order of business is to dissect what’s left of a zombie and make a list of what the poor creatures don’t have, what was taken away from them, and then take a scan across the various forms of modern thought looking for the things that consume and destroy, discredit and deny those very things where human beings are concerned, the kind of thought that if internalized turns a human being into a zombie for all intents and purposes. What was stolen from the zombies, besides everything?  Down the line it goes. 

Why not start with the shrinks recent assertion that memory is a false and misleading representation of your personal history.  Not that it can be, or might be, or might have been skewed regarding some particular thing for some particular reason, but just that it is.  Put that thought deep enough in someone and what do you get?  A person for whom memory has no validity, and without a valid memory the whole structure of a rational reality based on cause and effect collapses. And of course once a rational reality collapses the shrinks have plenty of work, which neatly explains their motives in the entire business.

Let’s see, what about the state of modern education, as it is laughingly referred to, those now massive mechanisms of social programming that feed the shrinks raw materials.  Over the last half century education has shifted from producing the most competent people possible to producing the most compliant people possible, installing emotional crumple zones to limit their victims ability to think beyond the limits of the caste and the class the education system assigns them to.  Definitely a zombie trait that is, particularly when society shifts a bit and the mode of thought allowed the poor zombie becomes obsolete and verboten.  No thought allowed, and no emotional structure adequate to support running renegade bootleg thought as a replacement.  Relatively stable by reason of ignorance and a lack of cognitive ability to perceive the full scope of the injustice suffered,  easily propagandized as well, the education systems are definitely doing their part.

How do matters of faith play in the game?  Not doing much for either side, not really.  The religions descended from the tent of Abraham have all corroded and corrupted with the years, the youngest of them, Islam, now solidly into its’ crusader phase and making war on the others who are losing followers like leaves in November.   Of course what passes for religion among the oriental peoples who invented the whole zombie thing are in the game and making headway gathering up what the others lost.  Well, I say they invented zombies, but that’s not really true.  Their cultures invented the technique of turning humans into zombies, their religions evolved to buffer the process while underway lest the zombies under construction revolt on the production line and defend their right to humanity.

Which brings me to the event that sparked this whole line of thought.  I bought myself a class from the local academics and have made no secret of my real motives for buying it, I wanted a reason to be on campus and a chance to observe what was going on there live and in person, boots on the ground tactical reconnaissance as to what part, if any, higher education might be playing in propagating, or mitigating, the spread of the perversions degrading my land and culture below any rational reason to defend, or even attempt to salvage, whatever is left of what I once loved.  It didn’t take long.

As I’ve mentioned in prior posts the title of the class is “Classic Philosophy” and as you’d expect it has covered just that: Socrates, firstshirt of the SoulMarine; Descartes, the secretly faithful Child of God followed by Hume, the skeptical thinker who refused Descartes the right to treat with God in the same category of thought as the other abstractions of philosophy demanding (with more than a little derision) that such thoughts produce a proof of their validity from the observable facts of nature.  All well and good, and in truth well taught, product delivered as promised.  But that was before the final offering that sadly swung the scales to the side of propagating rather than mitigating the spread of the perversions.

The last thinker (using the term in total sarcasm) to be presented to the class, presented last to be remembered first, is by the enduring light of those presented before a totally  transparent fucking con artist by the name of Krishnamurti whose philosophy, if such it can be called, is the philosophy of the zombie: the voluntary descent into nothingness.  What is being presented to a freshman level class from the lectern of a state chartered institution that claims to operate en loco parentis (with the power of the absent parent) is nothing more, nor less, than a seduction of evil presented in a most classic style of propaganda: endless repetitions of a patterned presentation of emotional triggers quite likely to find a resonance in an open audience close followed by blatant, unproven and un-provable assertion of zombiedom as the ultimate solution. 

Were Krishnamurti, at one time an Indian Guru, being presented as an antithesis of those who had gone before, an example of what philosophy is not, a chance to use what had been learned from the true philosophers of history to debunk his lies I’d not be upset, but such is not the case.  He is not only being presented to the class, he is being proselytized to the class in a blatant (and frankly illegal) attempt to misuse the power and influence of a state university to promote a religious  perspective on reality obviously taken straight off India’s zombie production lines in the mid-1960’s and used as a weapon of cultural warfare against the United States, a weapon that no doubt did a great deal to enable all the perversions to follow ranging from the degradation of sexual morality through to the equally degraded ethics of America’s business community.  I have a problem with that, a serious problem with an institution supported by my tax dollars wielding a weapon of cultural warfare against the very culture that supports it.  Talk about biting the hand that feed you!

Frankly, I’d buy tickets to see Socrates in the same room with Krishnamurti.  Seventy years old or not my money says the SoulMarine... in thought, by physical deed, or both... would kick his worthless fucking ass right through a rock wall.  And as for the zombie apocalypse the kids know is coming?  You know, when the heat of social compression gets up in the plasma ranges where even a zombie will explode?  I’m with you kids, best bet is going to be clip fed twelve gauge and LOTS of ammunition, nothing lighter than 00 buckshot but preferably the exploding slug variety.


  1. This deserves a substantial response, but I've no time for that right now. But I thought that zombies originally were made by African *vodoun*?

    1. Those rendered fore-brain dead by reason of drugs and oxygen deprivation were... but those poor creatures are not, functionally, the only creatures of their kind.

    2. I see. Maybe I need to read more about the Oriental-type zombies...
