Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snippets and ReRuns…

A few juicy thoughts harvested from my comments into various forums on the web…

Is the current upswing, the current fad involving bdsm relationships actually a backlash, a resistance movement against another and equally irrational social convention I'll name The Cult of the Female Orgasm ?  If that is the case then the surrender of personal freedom, the humiliations and outright pain the women endure become an act of contrition in advance of conviction for knowing they can't meet an utterly impossible social demand. 

The cult of the female orgasm is actually another male imposed irrationality created in response to the success of the feminist movements.  Look at the media, it is simply saturated with the idea that so long as the woman is getting hers, so long as four nights a week she is foaming and writhing and sleeping endorphin stoned from a dozen grand mall orgasms the rest of the man's world will be just peachy keen.  The boss won't be an a-hole, the bank will always loan money, his team will always win etc etc ad nauseum.  Of course this is just as irrational as assuming if the woman suffers her life away in sexual frustration the same results will be seen.  She knows neither of those two extremes will produce such results, and is apologizing in advance of his disappointed understanding.

If it is accepted that genetics does play a role in mortal personality traits then the celibacy of the Roman Catholic church suddenly becomes an absolute black hole sucking down into oblivion the genetic patterns that encourage the very things Jesus worked to teach.  A man becomes a priest, a women becomes a nun.  Both were motivated to those callings because of a deep personal belief in being kind, giving aid and comfort and understanding to their fellow humans.  But regardless of their personal efforts towards those most noble of goals the celibacy of the organization they joined removes from the human race what might have been their genetic contribution towards a race, a species, where those genetic tendencies towards gentle people easily fit to civilized behavior were the majority, not the minority.  Step back a bit and look down the line of history, and ask yourself how much better the world might be now, today, if all of the children never born because of the ultimate hypocrisy of the Catholic church's stand on birth control had been allowed to enter mortality.  A fucking condom is nothing nada zip in terms of birth control compared to celibacy enforced as the price of loving God enough to spend your lifetime serving him.

It is not fair to promote career ambition onto women as something both desirable and socially denied due to gender without giving equal space to a warning as to the essentially predatory nature of ambition.  Ambition will always result in sacrifices, always, it is not a woman thing or a man thing it is the basic nature of the beast.  Every life choice open to ambition's influence will be used to facilitate the ambition's first goal of dominating every facet of the hosts life.  Spouse, children, friends, family, all will fall second to the ambition if the ambition gets its' way.  Ask the old men, the successful old men, about the cost of ambition.  If you look closely you might even see a tear or two.  It is an unjust thing to ask the women to support the wealth of society by bearing the burden of ambition, she already bears the burden of childbirth that nature will not allow to be shared even with her sisters, much less any man.  From a command perspective it is foolish to squander the strength of a woman on a job a man can do... no need to use a shotgun on a housefly.

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