Thursday, July 26, 2012

If you can't say something nice...

Paint a picture instead.

This one was inspired by a line in a song:

...from the wells of disapointment
where the women kneel to pray
for grace of God in desert here
and desert far away...

from "Democracy" by Leonard Cohen

I've had that song, mostly that line, stuck in my head for several days now.  It's becoming annoying.  I'd say I don't know why, but that would be a lie.  I know damn good and well why. 


  1. Sundown and your dream lady...?

    1. *lol* No, not they, this one is pure psych symbolic. Either character would fit the image, in a symbolic way, but no, they were nowhere in my thought.

      Tell you what... I'll do a portrait of my vision of SQ St. Marie here in the next day or two, and one of Christine Ariel Sashikura (Sashi) as well. They're of comparable build of course... in the 5'10" range, give or take 135lb, well muscled, long legged medium breasted... but they project a quite different demeanor. Sashi has oriental in her bloodline, and unless she is with someone she genuinely loves there is an edge to her, hard and sharp while SQ seems rather soft, on a first look, until she chooses to look otherwise... as fits her real age, and experiences.

      I have no real clue as to the woman who has been popping in to visit my dreams. She could be real, mortal or beyond, or a construct of consolidated imagination, not really a big issue to me. She's benign.
