Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Waiting for the Ship...

Just a "diner doodle" that turned out well, thought I'd toss it up just to have something new to post.  I found my big box of Sharpie magic markers, couldn't resist playing with the colors.  I touched this up lightly in Photopaint on it's way into the computer, but nothing radical.  Made the black be black, got rid of a few stray pencil lines from before I began inking, smeared the water a bit (not sure that wasn't a mistake, the original was done pointalism, more or less, and it was kind of neat).  That sort of thing.  Think I'll swallow hard, and break out the India ink for the next few, see if I can do a couple of decent nudes worked with stipling I think they call it for shading.  Never done such before, may take a couple of tries to get it in the ballpark.  *chuckle* A goal, a goal, my kingdom for a goal (to bastardize Bill).  Onwards and outwards...

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