Sally in the City
It's funny how habits come back to you. It used to be I had to show up every day and do things for the company. Now that I don't have a company I've had to invent things to take its' place. Currently it is getting out of the house (so I actually see live and living people) once a day, and of course you really need some sort of an excuse for hanging where ever you hang (so the establishment doesn't come to the conclusion you're a Criminal Minds grade pervert out scouting for dinner or something) the art stuff rides with me for cover. Well, if you're carrying it you might as well use it, good for the cover and all, and some of the things showing up from letting the world wash through me and onto the page are getting, well, interesting. Figured it would just be courtesy to post a couple of them here, so if the damn dream police decide to hire an assassin to kill me (causing the 282 mega-ton thermonuclear warhead I keep in the bottom of the refrigerator to detonate when my bio-monitor goes flatline) at least it will happen here at the house and not disturb the gang down at my favorite coffee shop. No need to ruin their day ;-]
The Consequences of Lunar Orgasm Revealed
Or something like that. But seriously, it has turned into a strange, strange world. The things I hear going by just make me shake my head and wonder sometimes. What a world.
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