Friday, May 13, 2011

Life Map: #18 of the Life at My House series

How can you make a map of life
    to show the roads need walked,
    people and places along the way
    and the lessons to be taught?
What color a pin marks the hobo
    who filled one beer soaked night
    with pirate tales of deals and sales
    smuggling opiate dreams of might
    consoling the angers of little men
    who bemoan their life's lost fight?
Find me a symbol for afternoon lady
    who mostly worked clubs by night,
    her wisdom of sadly sin sullied love
    from confessional pillows laid tight
    to comfort she vended in sexual ways,
    for both lonely genders same price.
Where is that line will twist and curve
    to be measure of courage and heart
    dwelled in a body so broken and frail
    just standing was championship part
    seen walking one morning a hero…
    laid waste to self-pities weak mark.

***   ***   ***

All three were real people, from back in the days when I lived loose on the land and life was an adventure, when a quarter on the sidewalk was manna from heaven and oh, the angels, those strange sweet angels...

1 comment:

  1. I can remember those days, Cyranos. I still bend over to pick up a penny...and will as long as I can bend.
