I resemble this picture. Well, to be more precise, my life and skills set resembles this picture. You think I jest, but no, I'm really quite serious.
No idea who created this, not a clue... but whoever you are? Good Job!!!
(lol... go figure, it's for sale on Amazon... O'Rielly's Auto has a listing for
flux capacitors, the little ones and out of stock of course, maybe Amazon has
the big one's in stock... I think my second hand Tardis needs one, in spite of every effort
to tune it it's been annoyingly landing 7% off set point for a while now. ) |
I'm part of that group that is seldom mentioned, often recruited for the dirty jobs, never mentioned in the higher echelons of society and quite the taboo among the academics. In other words, I'm self educated and I distinctly resemble that knife.
To be a bit more specific, a bit more literal? What I am is a walking proof of social bigotry in the education establishment.
A child of gypsy parents I was never in one place long enough to ever fit in, a perpetual outsider watching the others and suffering their contempt for my lack of understanding. Here and now I want to say thank you to all those socially adept little assholes who made my life a living hell, were it not for you and your flock-based sheople mentality I would not be half so tempered, I wouldn't have half the perception I have now. Thank You.
I equally want to express my gratitude to the many, many iterations of the public school systems I was positioned to observe across that journey into adulthood. Were it not for your well meaning and totally inept efforts to forcibly integrate me into the society of the moment I wouldn't have had the base-stock data to understand how your society is structured, how it exercises its' control and coercion over the sheople inmates it holds as collateral on the power it loans to its' governing bodies.
You didn't mean to, of course you didn't, but the fact is your hypocrisy and mock compassion did a better job of blowing the cover off their lies than any amount of C4 or dynamite might have accomplished. After watching you guys work understanding the Liberal and Conservative posturings of perpetually dysfunctional perversion is a walk in the park by comparison. I'm not knocking them, they're doing the best they can for their causes allowing for what they have to work with which really isn't much. Mind you, I didn't say it makes for a good nights sleep, but still, a useful thing to understand. Thank you.
To be self educated is to understand the commonalities rather than the differences, it is an exercise in education by weighted analogy. It is an exercise in realizing that where the component parts and pieces of any two systems (within their respective academic categories) are usually totally unrelated there is, in fact, often a solid comparison to be had by examining the changes of state as analogous motives find energy to express themselves into reality.
To be self educated is to realize that when the analogous motives and forces are synchronized to provide a common base line the behavior of the human dynamic often shows a striking similarity to the behavior of systems governed by the laws of physics. An example of this? If you truly understand the operation of a Diesel engine you have the component pieces to understand the driving causes behind the engine that powers social evolution, aka, cultural revolution against the status quo.
To be self educated is to perpetually attempt to widen one's field of perception in order there be more examples available from which to harvest and distill the comparisons into accurately weighted analogies. It makes for an interesting life. Not always a comfortable one, but never boring, and in the end when you examine yourself in the same manner you examine your world it is quite possible you, like I, will realize how much you really have in common with that knife.
Enjoy your day, we never know if we really have a tomorrow or not.