Monday, October 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and the Great Door Buzzer Scandal...

Just eye candy and a bit of wishful thinking...
Farcebook wanted to know what was on my mind. The answer? How the secret tendrils of politics crawls into so many places to complicate and sometimes just plain fuck up things that politics has no business being involved with.

Take cars for an example. I do cars, have for years. Being born a poor boy it was learn how to mechanic or walk. I'm not so poor now, but I still work on my own for the most part, hey, paying someone else to fix something minor on your truck is kind of like paying someone else to give the old lady a minor orgasm, you know? Just not very satisfying no matter how loud or long she yodels.

Over the years automobiles have gotten a lot more technically sophisticated. Cuss as I do I'll admit that a great deal of these things are improvements, the metallurgy and the engine control systems. Yea, you have to know what you're looking at and yea, you do need test gear to really troubleshoot the systems, but... on the other hand you can go from the bottom of death valley to the top of Pikes Peak and not have to change running jets (and if you know what that means you might be *gasp* a geezer).

On the other hand I save some of my very favorite cuss words for when I get involved with something where there's a fucking fifty dollar module doing the exact same job that can be done with a bit of a cam and a chunk of heavy wire, you know... the bells and whistles on the inside of the car for those who think Honda is buying up all the American Virgins to keep the volcano god of Technology living at their house. Somewhere in the last few days it finally dawned on me how that happened, and folks... it is suck the dog POLITICAL.

The oriental countries have come into their own making electronic things. They, like every other industry in the modern world, have a problem. If they build them to last as long as they could they won't sell enough to stay in business. If they don't stay in business, well, THEIR political parasites will be all over the map and OH MY GOD the residuals of the totalitarian communist regimes might start creeping back in. So, of course they engineer for a predictable failure rate just to keep sales up. Just common sense.

But what is not common sense is allowing these same FOREIGN companies to put money into the AMERICAN political scene to influence trade agreements (aka laws that usually remain hidden from the public) in order to assure themselves that the American politicians will lean on their industrial buddies to use lots of what the Asian companies are making trying to make sure the geyodamcommies don't have another chance at taking over southern bangkok where the door buzzer widgets come from.

Now that's a bit of a mulligan stew of an exaggeration, but then again, not really. Next time a politician supports something that looks just totally dumb on the surface think it through again from the perspective of the global perspective of the Corporate Neo-Fascists, they who want to finish what Marx and Lennin started. It might just make a bit more sense to you.

Stay sane and starve a shrink... pass this around if it makes sense to ya. Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I've been saying for decades that the real rulers of this nation don't sit in Washington; they sit on Wall Street or in "undisclosed locations." And not just this nation, but most of the world by now. -- You may know that the East India Company literally ruled India for more than a century. The British Crown took over the job because of corporate abuses such as assassination and piracy. Not much has changed.
