Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Rough Air Ahead...

Ladies and Gentlemen: Please fasten your seatbelts and secure your tray tables in an upright position… because there’s no way around this particular storm and it is going to get very bumpy before we get clear of it.

Yet another consequence of the Donald appearing on the political scene is a threat to democracy not really seen before. That risk? The consequences, coming and going, of situation specific incompetence in a candidate who is a potential leader of the nation.

I can’t speak to the overt consequences of such incompetence, of course not, I no more than you no more than they have any way to know just what the subject or focus of the incompetence might turn out to be in some real world - live to the world situation where a temper tantrum might unleash the terror of modern warfare.

But what all of us need to cast a thought across is this: no matter how gross it gets it is an  IMMENSE danger to democracy to even think about trying to establish some formal structure to certify political competence as a condition of candidacy. That job MUST remain the sole domain of the voters at the polls.

Gentle reader, such a certifying process as that would be one of the quickest ways possible to finish off the job of gooking out America, totally destroying real democracy and allowing the puppet masters and the Corporate Neo-Fascist to claim the victory over freedom. The last thing in the world we as American’s need is have the already massively suspect loyalties of the education establishment in conjunction with some grouping of the existing political status-quo empowered to play Central Committee (yes, think good old Marxist-Leninist COMMUNISM on that one) in regards as to who is and who is not competent enough to be allowed to run for office. That translates as instant oligarchy and deadly choke point on the democratic process identical to what destroyed the Soviet Union in a matter of only sixty some years.

Don’t do it, America. Don’t even think it. Just vote against what you know CAN’T do the job, and reform and rework your primary processes to pick better candidates in the future.


  1. I thought about that possibility and rejected it as undemocratic. But if the election doesn't go Trump's way, I fear another Kristallnacht and what might follow. Yep, I got my belt fastened and my helmet buckled...

    1. Politicians are the foam at the crest of a wave within society... and the anger that supports Trump is (imo) justified well past the 80% line. Figuring a way to spend the energy of that anger in some non-destructive way is the challenge that the remainder of the pack are hiding from... both here and abroad. Context: the picture below... TALLYHO!
