Monday, January 13, 2020

God Save the Queen...

==pulled forward from 6/16 since it's back in the news==

I haven't changed my mind...Well done, England. Well done indeed.

I'd say... early MkV... still three bladed prop, three port exhaust,
 but upgraded to the 20mm for a little extra punch... this would
be the machine that replaced the MKII's lost in the
Battle of Britian, the last time the Brit's had to seriously
defend their country...
With the Brexit vote the United Kingdom has struck a heavy blow against the Corporate Neo-Fascist seeking to homogenize humanity that it be able to enslave humanity within a single tyranny.

Make no mistake here, the attempts to homogenize the cultures of the world to the greed driven motives of elitist corporate entities are just as big a threat to freedom as Adolf Hitler and his crew of crazies ever were, worse in some ways.


  1. What a beaut! I was expecting more text, Nos - am I supposed to click on something?

    1. Nah, just a popshot of a little post. Nothing to click.

  2. The above comment brought to you by Kyle Rogers - I don't know why it says anonymous?

    1. It defaults to annon unless you choose to log in... never dug out the details. Comments are wide open though, so no big.
