Saturday, May 17, 2014

A True Love's Dream...

The image is, or soon will be, part of the story of Sha Haisat and Keyanna... one of Keyanna’s dreams where the intensity attracts First’s or Second’s attention, this perhaps the first time where out of concern for her safety they attempt to make contact with her while she is asleep.  They are after all almost pure intellect, they really don’t know that much about dreams and dreaming. Fortunately for them all Keyanna is quite comfortable in a state of lucid dreaming, to hold a conversation there is not a thing of great effort for her.

First and Second are immensely curious concerning the new variety of floating nodes now occupying the surface of their planet, and the Keyanna node is a fine specimen who seems as willing to converse with them as the new fixed node of their own kind their convention assumes they will parent, a node that somehow took on the structure and memories of the once floating node Sha Haisat. 

They are aware Sha and Keyanna consider each other as prime edges, that the relationship endures beyond the mysterious conversion of Sha from a floating node to fixed node is a thing of great fascination for them.  As the days of Keyanna’s retreat run on awaiting Sha to mature enough to speak with her directly they hold many conversations encapsulated within Keyanna’s dreams, it seems a polite thing to them, to  leave her waking hours free to tend to her survival, and to contemplate what she’s learned... where they learn so much as well.


  1. Lovely. A little thick around the ankles and lower legs, but that hair and those aureoles burn with non-consuming fire. (And it's interesting that her womanhood is so "faded out" that we really can't see it at all. Is there something in that?) So when do we see Keyanna's story go on?

    1. *chuckle* Writing story around the edges of the other projects underway... a fair amount to figure out for these conversations, after all, First and Second are both full mature nodes, give or take 5000 orbits... and human nodes are brand new to them. What would you ask Keyanna if you were in their position? The concept of sleep they understand, but dreams? And there is a distinct difference in the thought patterns of the Keyanna node and Sha, they are clearly part of a divided species, and yet across that divide they consider themselves as prime edge? Curious it is, and curious they are ;-)

    2. It's not surprising that First and Second wouldn't understand dreams. We don't really understand them ourselves. Contact with alternate realities? Our subconscious wishing or trying to tell us something? Random neurons firing in our brains? Who can say?
