Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Flying Wing for each other...

From the "Life at My House" series... No. 42

A magic man and a major muse
Went out to lunch one day
And over the tea and strumpets
One heard the other say
"Sweetheart we've a lot of power
In how these children think,
They who live within the walls
Their shamans twist and shrink
Until the little darlings crouch so low
In misery and drink
Crying for the faith they lost
Before they learned to think...
So lover shall we take a hand
In helping them to see
That all the things they're pining for
Are generally quite free?
Should we put it on the street
And dare the merchant man
To try and claim a copyright
On verse pen’d God’s own hand?"
*chuckle*  If I were to allow vanity more than 50 milliamp to work with I might come to the conclusion this poem was a tiny bit precognitive... and no, I'm not going to explain.


  1. Nice! You think something's going down?

    1. Maybe. Just have to wait and see... ;-)

    2. Apparently. This next decade is gonna be quite interesting.

  2. you still hangin' around with strumpets 'nos? ;>)

    1. *chuckle* Strumpets? No, not so much. They tend to be kind of bitter, and limited by their bitterness. But a woman who can run the same frequency ranges as the woman who hosted the muse for us? Oh yea, pretty much any chance I get. *double chuckle* If I don't make it back out this time? Been good to know you my friend :-)

    2. But where do you find such women?!

    3. I don't. For some reason they find me.
