Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Yup, I was.  Blindsided. Teach me to make assumptions and not calibrate the instruments.  I do know better than that, at least in some environments.  The culprit shall remain unnamed until appropriate vengeance has been both executed and celebrated.  The point of the sabotage?  The *bleeeeepin* meat thermometer.  The confession?  The child (at breakfast) admitted one of her crew on a weekend sleepover stuck it into live flame to see how fast the needle would swing.  Several times, and it's mechanical.  At this point it's most likely about as linear as the bottom curve of a well shaped breast, and I ain't talking turkey.  Drat and phooey on it.  Down to the store where they sell such gizmos for another one.  I want some platinum dammit, a true RTD that checks it's own battery voltage and will read accurate to 1/100th of a degree, and that coarse only if they built a cheap circuit.  At this altitude water should boil at 211.85 or so, and I want a thermometer that will say so in so just so many numbers. 

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