Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jade Arriving...

I first posted this a year and some ago, but for some reason it returned to my mind this morning.  Something about the absolute assumption so very many people from so very many walks of life seem to hold, the one about how everyone just can't help being a lust driven slave trapped between nature's instincts and societies perversions of those instincts I suppose. 

The world I'm coming to see resembles nothing so much in my eyes as a beaker full of different liquids, liquids that don't really blend with each other, things that don't really like each other at all, the layers floating one on the other according to the specific gravities involved while the interfaces between the layers bubble and boil as the incompatible things react against each other, the salts and other dead things falling out to coat the bottom of the glass with... well, with something.  For some reason I want to throw a stir bar in that beaker and shatter the layers into a high speed vortex.  Somehow it would seem better to go ahead and react it out and see what's likely going to be left of our society.  That is if the beaker doesn't shatter and blow whatever all over the inside of the hood.  Yea, I'm in a funky mood this morning.

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