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Glass Lovers by CDM.MMX |
They called it a show, and it was a show, two beautiful professional erotic models putting on a well choreographed show of girl-girl love, foreplay. It was a show, it wasn't real, to mature eyes it was very choreographed specifically for the horny boys who wouldn't know any better anyhow, who wanted to indulge the fantasy of joining them, of being prefered by either or both of them. But midway through the show one of them, realizing the futility of his own dream broke the protocals and etiquette of the place with a gush of words not only rude but hurtful, maliscious and cruel. He was ejected, but the show wasn't the same, the models were human and they'd taken hurt to his hatred filled words. They were, probably still are, professionals in their craft and they did try, but for the first few minutes afterwards they just couldn't.
For the first few minutes things changed, what we saw was real. For those few minutes they ignored the camera, focused on each other as lovers should, they made a bit of love between them to defuse the hurt and defeat the pain. It was tender and sweet and gentle, genuine, it was truly erotic above and beyond what anyone had ever seen of them before as a pair or performing solo. If they'd stayed to that theme they might have gotten away with their inner privacy intact, but they didn't, after a bit they managed to return to the earlier format of playful lust to inspire the boys imaginations. But the contrast could not be missed, and they realized their mistake before the end of the show.
They both continued to perform, solo or with another partner, but I don't believe they ever worked together again. They'd shown the world a bit to much of what was real between them to be comfortable working together to degrade what was real into the shallowness the immature boys were paying for. But sweethearts, yes for a moment there you were indeed glass, and girls, it was a beautiful light you let shine. I don't blame you in the least for protecting it.
Now wouldn't it be wonderful if there were such "performers" who showed not only the mechanics of sex but its inner beauty? Doing it not for money--crass, crass!--but for celebration, for education, or even for healing? Yet to do this, the world would have to change considerably; people would have to look at such performers the way they look at great musicians, dancers or actors...
ReplyDeleteah, Jochanaan... what can I say. In the first part of the show they were just working the crowd. Reminded me of nothing more than a pair of tabby kittens playing in a laundry basket. They were counting on a four or five horny boys paying their rent to see them "finish" most likely. But the wahoo really did hurt some feelings, he was brutal to them. I'd been watching the affection growing between them for a couple of months, at that point in time they really were fond of each other. They took shelter in each other for a few minutes, and went back to work. Troopers,as the theater people will say, both of them.
ReplyDeleteBeing a voyeur of hearts in a place where what was expected was a blind voyeur of bodies wasn't always easy, sometimes the things you'd see made you angry for the girls, they deserved better treatment than what they got. But you could only say so much, to say more was to offer insult, and increase their hurt by the comparison. One of the more valuable, and less comfortable things I learned there was that a good size fraction of the males (I won't call them men) really are such simple minded assholes as to justify the bitterness and contempt the women's libbers rain out on all of us.
Some of the ladies could indeed do wonders if allowed to create a series of videos for educational purposes, But, the chances of them ever being allowed to? Slim to none... because what they'd be teaching would contradict far, far to many of societies social control mechanisms in the same lesson. Hell, half the preachers in this world are hired not to teach the gospel but rather to make sure sin stays interesting enough to remain profitable. What the girls would be doing would cut deep into their margins, they's surely invoke their political clout to shut them down.
One wonders if it's the men, or the environment our secret leaders have built for us--but in the end it might make no difference. We mostly build or choose our own environment.
ReplyDeleteStill, if some of those males (you're right, they hardly deserve to be called *men*) were to attend a college that's more than just a party school--or go on a vision quest in the wilderness--or, well, get into any situation that challenges their shallow worldview--who knows what might happen?
Would probably do them a lot of good. You know, one of my more "radical" ideas is that everyone, and I do mean everyone, male and female alike, should complete military basic training as a condition of graduating high school. Get them a long way from mommy and daddy, get them on their own (no telephone, and damn sure no cell phones!), and in the tradition of boot camp subject them to enough abuse and challenge they'll know what they themselves are made of. I see several good things to this idea: one, if you need a disciplined force for whatever reason (war, disaster) you've already got a working start; two, you'll have set a benchmark on maturity that might well level the playing field because the pampered socialite kids aren't likely to fair as well as the renegade/outcasts who have, to the sosh kids bullying, already begun developing some inner strength... when they get home to finish their senior year for example that will be clear for everyone to see; and three, you'll have the chance to teach them all kinds of things it's good to know... like medium advanced first aid, map reading, how to recognize political propanda, how to take care of your own personal space, etc etc et al... all the things not directly related to warfare that is taught in boot camp as part of turning a civilian into a soldier.