Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Thinker's Watch

===originally published 9/14/14========

We thinkers are a mongrel lot, we come from all over, every beginning imaginable and some that most folks can't imagine.

What we all share in common is a watch, some period of time we set ourselves separate from our fellow man, back away from the conventions and comforts of our society to observe and perceive that thing we left behind, sometimes left behind hoping for a chance to return, other times left behind hoping it will never overtake our flight, but in all cases left behind that it not have the ability to unduly  influence our thoughts with trivial matters of immediacy.

Often enough we find ourselves as the painting shows: walking a high ridge by night, far above the warm valley of society, walking where the clouds kiss against the crystal cold air flowing over the mountains and the moon is searchlight bright against the vapors.  From time to time the clouds will open, light will fall through to paint the valley with moving shadow, from time to time the play of light and shadow will make naked the motives and the means, the reasons and the rationales of those who live in the valley.  It is those moments that justify the risk of walking such paths.

We thinkers are a strange crew indeed, but for myself I'd not have it any other way. The floor of the valley is to small and to well known for me. I must have the high places and the moonlight, the fog and the fear if I'm to keep my soul alive.


  1. Aye, we seem to need the time for uninterrupted thought, "the high places and the moonlight, the fog and the fear", simply to make sense of what others do not even seem to consider. Can we save the world? I fear the world is a runaway horse running towards a cliff. I can only hope Some One intervenes...

  2. The world needs us Thinkers, for we are the ones that clear the air for the valley dwellers, even tho they are unaware of much of what we do. It is within the moonlight that a different kind of shadow is found, one that carries with it a whole other means of understanding for the Thinkers. And it takes the altitude of the higher places to allow the trappings of the valley to fall away and free those that want to think without limitations
