Friday, February 14, 2025

Concerning Trump and Company...

... a Say What offering.  This is a comment posted in response to this article:

They don’t see, and they don’t learn, The mode of thought expressed in this article is one of the main reasons we have DT and company creating panic and pandamonium in current events.

Say what you say? Yes. You’d think Empire Academia would be smarter than that, and they probably would be if the Kingdom of Psychology wasn’t calling the shots for the rest of the crew.

One: introduce an idea into a homogenous population showing a normal distribution and what happens? Folks start sorting themselves out according to that idea… it applies to me or it really does not apply to me. The population begins sorting itself for you.

Two: when a population is sorted the normal rules of social interaction cause like to congregate with like, those who adjudged themselves to be at the same place (relative to that thought) have something in common, they bump into each other and tend to stick. Social media radically, dangerously, accelerates the process.

Three: each idea introduced causes a similar “combing sort” on the population. Those who find they share many (NEGATIVE SOCIAL CONNOTATION) positions begin to defend their comfort with circular reasoning and peer reinforcement… aka, a clique.

Four: people live to the expectations of the most genuinely powerful authority in their lives… up, down, good or evil, they will try and do what they think that authority desires.

Is anyone beginning to see the picture? If the clique becomes the majority what you have is a negativity based political demographic, otherwise known as a populist movement… and a representative (I won’t call him a leader) into the political machine similar to Adolph, or Donald.

And all because the dratted well meaning shrinkie-poos who write things like this article really don’t have clue the first. I say that to give Empire Academia the benefit of the doubt. If they do have a clue then they have proven themselves the lethal enemy of survival and making total war on them is the appropriate response to assure the well being of the society.