=== originally published 2/13/2012===
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The Beautiful Nikky Case from one of her many Met-Art photo shoots. |
Why Nikky? Why her, here on this post? Because Nikky is a beautiful woman, and there is a sparkle in her eye that makes me hope she wouldn't mind me borrowing a bit of the beauty she's shared with the world to get this post in front of a few more eyes. What's in this post is something I'm betting Nikky would understand, most beautiful women do understand it, in their heart even more than in their mind.
This little ditty is an attempt to present how I see the world when I'm at my day job as a working philosopher trying to figure out why the world we see is in the sad state it is. But rather than try and put this in pseudo-intellectual text I’m going to try a bit of a different tack and present the ideas in the form of a conversation.
To those reading this I ask you set aside convention and conventional assumptions concerning society, hear these voices as the essence of the driving forces behind the contradictions and the irrationalities of the modern world condensed, personified, into single individuals who speak for their respective influences on those who live at our level of life, the individual human being. They are collective entities, in truth they live one dimension higher on evolution’s chain of creation, but for now hear them as if they lived at the same level we do, we who are to them as the cells of our bodies are to us. The first voice you hear will be ceMars, who will be answered by ceEros, to name them as might have the thinkers of antiquity.
To those reading this I ask you set aside convention and conventional assumptions concerning society, hear these voices as the essence of the driving forces behind the contradictions and the irrationalities of the modern world condensed, personified, into single individuals who speak for their respective influences on those who live at our level of life, the individual human being. They are collective entities, in truth they live one dimension higher on evolution’s chain of creation, but for now hear them as if they lived at the same level we do, we who are to them as the cells of our bodies are to us. The first voice you hear will be ceMars, who will be answered by ceEros, to name them as might have the thinkers of antiquity.
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No, I don’t give a damn what you say. Birth control isn’t going to do it Eros, no way. Gaia is carrying nearly seven billion now, she’s at limit. And if she goes down so do we.
You’re right Mars, if Gaia goes down so do we. But you know just as well as I that warfare will take technology down a long time before Gaia hits her knees, and besides, everything you’re doing is just adding to the risk of a mass enlightenment. Are you willing to risk that? Risk going comatose again, living century by century again instead of second by second? Or risk the humans recognizing us for what we are? Think about it Mars, think hard. Are you sure you want to risk answering to them?
Mass enlightenment. Don’t feed me that crap, that legend has been around forever. It’s not going to happen. Just look at them. They’re hardwire programmed against it. They can’t understand themselves, none of them can. Anyway they try it I am me goes circular on them, cuts the bottom right out from underneath everything they use to define themselves to themselves. Are you willing to risk that? Living mounted on a population that’s stumbling insane? Mass enlightenment is no friend of ours, and that’s a fact.
Yes Mars, we’ve argued this a million times. No one of them can, but two of them can. Not only do you know that you’re scared of it. The differential perspective from the whole gender thing is plenty of parallax for them to establish a self confirming identity once they’re bonded in love. I’ve seen it, and so have you.
He he he... yea, I’ve seen it. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice what you were up to with the whole sixties flower power thing? Did you really think I was going to let you reduce me to an occasional fistfight? Some puppet living on a football field or a boxing ring? No way buddy, I haven’t been around this long to fall to a forgotten minor status to nothing more than that. Give it up Eros, both cePornography and ceReligion are working with me buddy, we’re allies in this, and they’ve got you solidly flanked on both sides. They have just as much to lose as I do if you pull off some sexually based path to enlightenment in any major percentage of the humans.
Ah, Mars. Arrogant as always. I wouldn’t put to much stock in ceReligion if I was you. They’d still have a solid base in an enlightened population working with ceCulture, in some ways more solid than working with you. The Dahli Lama is already chipping around the edges of your alliance, and all it would take is one Pope to realize the truth of the matter and they’d flip sides. Where would you be then?
I’d be fucked, that’s where I’d be. But I’m not worried. If, even if, just how do you propose to arrange pairing enough of them up in compatible love-bond? Don’t feed me any idealistic bullshit, I mean starting from the totally ignorant and confused state they’re in now? I don’t think you could do it, I don’t think they could become self defining near quick enough to keep you alive, I think you’d be playing checkers with ceCommunism in some dusty corner of a university library before half of ‘em made it, and my crew, me and mine, I think we’d be right back where we are now. So answer me that, and you might get my full and undivided attention.
That’s the question, isn’t it. Just how to go about pairing them off so they have a chance of outgrowing you. Damn good question Mars. I’ll get back to you on that one.