The Gamer by CDM.MMXI |
The Bushites are human, but they not part of any land or people, not anymore. The Bushites are those whose primary loyalty has shifted away from a nation or a culture to be given to their corporations, to the alliances and confederacies of such corporations. They are the new fascists, the Corporate Neo- Fascist if you will.
They are global, young, raw, feudal, in a word dangerously barbarian beneath polished surfaces. The Bushites are not a large group by numbers but they are massively wealthy, a brand new power player on the global political scene wielding their control of manufacturing capabilities against the nation-states control of natural resources and manpower. They are oriental in their thought, educated by the Japanese to plan and plot in terms of decades or generations rather than months and years. They are wealthy, they are powerful, and they are desperate for a country of their own, a currency and a military to represent their interests. As a consequence of this ambition they have become a threat to every nation on Earth, the most dangerous thing to afflict planet Earth since Adolph Hitler, the most dangerous threat to their first and most desired conquest, the Constitution of the United States of America, since the British invasions in the war of 1812.
"The Bushites" are named after the first administration of the United States to become so totally controlled by corporate campaign sponsors as to initiate wars of aggression for the benefit of their sponsors. Dwight Eisenhower, honorable old soldier that he was, left office with a dire warning of the consequences of an alliance between the military and industrial complexes. He could not foresee to forewarn against the possibility of the individual corporate entities grown to such size that alliances of such entities would be able to manipulate democracies by plotting and sponsoring carefully timed and choreographed acts of political violence, events designed to make it easy to manipulate the public mindset into allowing truly massive amounts of money to be looted from the world's treasuries to buy "corporate support" for military operations mandated by the conflicts engineered into existence by those same corporations.
In short, the Bushites own the dog whose tail is known to wag him. Be aware of them, watch for them, they are a great evil and they are far from defeated. They will respect no border, no culture, no political orientation. Religion is their pawn, education their puppet. If it can be used they will use it, ruthlessly, efficiently, and amorally. If you value freedom it is the Bushites who are the real foe, they who believe to the bottom of their souls that the corporate citizens of the world should be the legal owners and operators of the world's corporeal citizens... which would be you, and me.