Friday, October 24, 2014

And the band played on...

I knew the phrase as an old folk euphemism for a long time before I found a source from history that made sense.  From the context folks used it in I’d assumed it meant doing the same old something in defiance of the fact it wouldn't do much good for anything, just force of habit, but since it was what you knew how to do you kept on doing it.  Like the dance band on the doomed Titanic, you know? What else do you do until it’s your turn to die?

For a couple of days now I've been wondering in light of how rapidly things change in this digital day just how much of what I see in the public domains is actually a case of some band that plays on, and what are the consequences of their music?  It feels like simple habit is an ever increasing power player in what I see.  I suppose I shouldn't say habit, that’s an unkind way to put it, habit is something personal.  I should say social momentum and try to be just a wee tiny bit politically correct.

Yes. Social momentum.  What happens when the liberals can’t believe there might  be a solution for a problem the conservatives can’t really  believe exists... and the band plays on.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

To Castrate a Balrog...

This is actually a reply to a most excellent comment offered by my friend Alapip on my post “Tale Bobbing a Checkerboard CueBall” below.  Where this will stand on its’ own it will make more sense if you read what prompted it first.

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Indeed, the trusted messenger who carries the deception.  Brings to mind Sauron, Sauron the deceiver ( JRR Tolkien’s classic example from his truly epic fantasy fiction... cited so as not to play favorites among the religions/mythologies currently working). 

In the days when Sauron seduced the Numenorian’s into such arrogance as to enact suicidal folly he still wore the body of a man, would appear fair to beautiful in the eyes of the world, and of course was still a Mia (empowered servant) of the fallen first Ainur (primordial spirits from before the world was made solvent) Melkor who was later renamed Morgoth, “Dark Enemy” (read “Devil” as is used today).  Point is, Sauron (at that point in the tale the conquered captive of Numenor) seduced the once noble Numenorians using exactly the same tactics, fears and divisive lies that were used to seduce the once noble American Conservative. 

The question before us is “who in the modern world is in the role of Sauron?”  With a total salute to Professor Tolkien’s genius I’m going to use the name of his character to represent the enemy of today, the forces and powers who in our world reprise the actions of Sauron in the service of his master Morgoth.

There is a reason the Conservatives (~Republican) were attacked first... they’re the homogenous core culture of America.  The Progressive, the Liberal (~Democrat) are not, they are the various offshoot cultures, the sum of them approximately equal in numbers to the core, and yet internally not one but rather several cultures who form alliances and coalitions to represent the various agendas sponsored by their varying motives.  Where they cooperate they do NOT truly trust each other internally, their motives are to disparate for full internal trust... net result being no ONE line of persuasion/propaganda would be effective against all of them, and their internal distrust would make it likely any one seduced would be set upon by the others.  The common culture Conservatives were near bulletproof to any external source, but being naively trusting internally totally vulnerable to a Sauron trained operative who once accepted was able to emulate their culture while corrupting it (dare I say Ronald Reagan?... oops, I just did...).

Since the core culture of America is predominantly Christian the churches became both victims and contagion vectors of the attack.  Sauron skillfully exploited the contradictions, the rationalizations inherent to any religion to disable the internal ethics of those he attacked.  Once the rationalizations had been in place for a generation or three they’d migrated into the culture, and the political structures  of religion that validate the ethical content of any culture embracing their belief structure became autonomous allies in his cause, ever more compromised and corrupted in any comparison between the ethics of the modern and the theologies evolved across the ages. 

Of course Sauron worked malice on more than simply the Men of Numenor, his malice was directed at all the free peoples.  In many places across the ages of middle earth he built alliances between essentially estranged peoples focused against some single group using the very lies he’d foisted on the one group to unite the others against them.  He was actually very, very good at letting others do the dirty work for him so that when his Orcs marched against them all they’d all been weakened.

Which brings me to my greatest fear in the present.  As I said earlier, the Liberals are not one culture, they are in fact several cultures and as with the speaking people’s who were Tolkien’s characters quite often quite estranged one from another.  Looking at the modern world objectively I am afraid Sauron is again using his old tactics: having corrupted the Conservatives is now using that corruption to unify the Liberals to the point they are terribly vulnerable to being deceived and seduced by some singular lie based on the focus of their alliance (most probably a lie impacting the spiritual, the theological elements of their lives that serve as the reference standard for ethics and the morality those ethics enable... convince them that the corruption they see is the result of Christianity and they're not likely to remember say the deeds of Zeus in his control of Olympus, or the actions of Loki or Spiderwoman... all the religions have equivalent characterizations of the same modes of thought, and the best way to get people to ignore the teachings of their own religion is to get them convinced “that only happens to those damned Christians/Pagans/Jews/Hindus/Muslims... ).

For those who might read this who are of the Conservative mindset (~Republican) I implore you to understand how it was your very strengths demanded Sauron attack you first, and how those strengths are not lost, the metal of them still lives among you and may be re-forged into new understandings beyond Sauron’s deceptions even as Anduril was re-forged from the shards of Narsil to arm the Dark Lord’s most feared enemy!

For those who might read this who are of the Progressive or Liberal (~Democrat) persuasion I implore you: beware, and be wary!  The next stroke of Sauron’s war will fall on YOU!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tail Bobbing a Checkerboard Cue-ball...

Sometimes I really am just plain dumb.  I should have understood this decades ago.  Oh, well.  No time like the present to correct the situation. The focus of my fubar has to do with the ongoing covert cultural warfare being waged against my nation, to be specific a class of cultural mutagens being used as weaponry by those who wish to degrade a culture evolved in and from democracy to the point it will accept any of several possible forms of totalitarian tyranny. 
It’s a fact of life that people carry grudges (grudges, for lack of a better and more precise word) against certain things.  The grudges people carry but never really recognize for what they are, the ones that aren't fully acknowledged, the ones that float right there at the top of the subconscious are some of the most powerful.  Any shrink will tell you that, a great deal of their work is in exposing that sort of grudge to the light of day so someone can deal with it in a rational manner rather than let it beat up their life and the lives of those around them. 

When you back up and look at people as a whole what is to be noticed is the focus of those grudges fall out into categories: with the parents, their elders, a church, the education establishment, the other gender, the law and the social order it represents, the boss and the drama politics of the workplace.  Categories.  There’s only so many basic categories of course, the count of those categories will be close to the count of the authority figures present as folks grow up.  Why?  Because it is authority misused that creates a grudge, but more on that later.

Have an individual feel wronged by some member of any of these categories, a wrong never set right, and you've got a good chance of them forming a grudge with the whole category.  If this were an essay on mental health I’d have appended “with all the attending problems to be expected as a consequence of an irrational bias against an entire segment of life rather than the actual villain of the scenario” to the previous sentence.  But this is not an essay on mental health, this is an essay on how what has been learned of mental health has been bastardized into the weapons of cultural warfare.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

An interesting tidbit of a coincidence?

The book of Revelation in the Bible is a fascinating read, it really is.  If you start from the assumption the ancient prophet and sage really did see the future then the issue becomes understanding how he would describe give or take our now using the words available to his times and experiences.  The segment about the number of the beast has always been of particular interest to me, being as how his understanding of numbers was really rather primitive compared to ours... he didn't even have the concept of zero to work with.  Anyway, for some reason I've always felt that the number of the beast was actually an attempt to give a population value for Planet Earth, perhaps a warning about how many people can live on Earth before population pressure would cause things to start degrading into barbarism... say perhaps 6.66 billion or so?

But tonight a different thought occurred to me: what if it was indeed a population value, but one that marked when mankind would hit a certain level of technology?  A level of technology sufficiently advanced for mankind to be at serious risk to a technology greater than his wisdom?  Tonight I grabbed the big calculator and started playing with some numbers relative to that thought.  Guess what... if you take six sixes, thirty six, and then raise that value to the sixth power guess what you get?  Ok, you don't have to guess, you could work it out for yourself on your big calculator, but just to save you the trouble what you get is 2,176,782,336... two billion and some change.  Would you like to guess when the population of planet Earth hit that value?  According to the 2010 United Nations estimates courtesy of Wikipedia planet earth passed that value somewhere around 1940... just about the time of the first atomic weapons.

In post script: or was the triggering technology of that vision Eniac... the first truly digital computer developed and built at the same time as the first atom bombs?  Project PX (the government code word for the work) didn't predate the Manhattan Project by enough to matter, considered against the centuries between those works and the work of John...

Things that make you go hmmmm.... and think about it.